This will be a map in two parts.

Plot: Our heroes have been hired to rescue Gnarus, an elderly kidnapped magician widely respected within the Empire, one of the last apprentices of the fabled alchemist, Faber Artifex. They track him and his captors to the first location, the Temple of Set, where they meet their first determined resistance, some local religious fanatics. Upon defeating those fanatics, they find a narrow passageway that leads to a deeper chamber. Unbeknownst to our heroes, the doorway into this chamber is a magic portal which teleports them to the second location: the Rune Forge.

In violation of every anti-magic law they have, renegade dwarves have re-started the Rune Forge and are in the process of making a powerful new weapon. In this, they are being aided by the legendary Faber Artifex, now so ancient that he constantly depends on magic to continue living. Faber Artifex and the renegade dwarves plan to sacrifice Gnarus and use his soul to power this new weapon. Our Heroes step into a new passageway that feeds into the bottom of the Rune Forge. The Rune Forge itself is a huge, spherical, smooth-walled chamber with a platform jutting out into its middle, akin to Cerebro from the X-Men. Faber Artifex and the dwarves are working on this platform, whilst Gnarus is tied up and slowly bleeding to death in a sacrificial magic circle on the floor 50 feet below. Cue the climactic fight.

I've finished the basic layouts of both dungeon maps, but I'm only posting the first location's map today. I need to find a way of representing the three-dimensionality of this chamber such that it conveys some sense of the chamber's depth and the steepness of its walls.

For the basic effects, I'm using RobA's trusty Dungeon Map Maker. 10 years after he made it, it's still freaking awesome. Once I have a good representation of the Rune Forge complete, I plan on adding some embellishments to it and the Temple of Set.

### Latest WIP ###