Hey all! I am new to this guild and somewhat new to mapping. I have always loved cartography from a distance, although my favorite class in university was cartography. I even have have an embarrassingly modest atlas collection. My background is in more technical drawings like construction documents and cnc tool paths. That is why I have chosen Campaign Cartographer as my software of choice. I know my biggest challenge as I grow my skills is going to be my lack of artistic flare. My inner artist is going to get some exercise. I would love any constructive criticism on my work. I look forward to hanging around these forums with such talented artists.

I have attached my first map which is a current 5e campaign I am playing in based on my GMs sketches. Also I have linked my instgram account for my mapping.


Adinas Rest - hex - 25 - 20190309.png

Adam Ruel
Victoria, BC, Canada