While I know many of my fellow guilders found inspiration for this month’s challenge relatively quickly, I struggled for quite some time. It’s not that I’m not a music fan, by any means! On the contrary, I often wonder how much of my brain is allocated to memorized song lyrics alone. In the end, my inspiration came from a pretty unlikely place: classical music.

Between the years 1825 and 1849, Felix Mendelssohn composed a series of unique "songs" that were published in eight volumes with six songs in each. What makes the songs so unique is that they lack any lyrics or vocal part of any kind. Instead, Mendelssohn composed them to be played completely on the piano while utilizing many of the more popular song forms of the time.

Taking my queue from Mendelssohn’s works, I’m happy to present my Map Without Words. I allotted space for national, city, and other kinds of labels, but deliberately left all of them off. Furthermore, I nixed the distance and direction indicators from the compass and scale at the bottom right of the map. For further inspiration, I even listened to Mendelssohn’s Songs Without Words while I worked. Here’s a link to one of my favorites:

I hope you enjoy my Map Without Words! Let me know what you think, if you have a chance. All comments, commendations, and criticisms accepted!

### Latest WIP ###
MapWithoutWords - WIP1.jpg