
I live in Dublin so I thought, it's high time I made a fantasy map of it and set a campaign there

Here are some "improvements" I have made to the city so far:

  • There is an old wishing well near the Liffey that only allows for one wish per person. But due to poor city planning ... yes, you can actually wish for more wishes.
  • I changed the three statues on the roof of the GPO: a mage, a fighter and a tiefling (of unknown profession, probably a warlock). They saved Dublin that one time, I forget..
  • Galileo's first observatory was built on his arrival to Dublin. Realising that clear skies were non-existent here, he decided to relocate to Florence.
  • Dublin now has more trebuchets than pubs? Not only are they used in the defense of the city, but they are a handy way of getting home after an epic session on the town!
  • The Spire pre-dates the city of Dublin and has been growing slowly since prehistoric times.

Bonus fact: Did you know that a secret sect of moon worshippers live inside the spire and they'll let you in if you're really nice to them!