
If this looks familiar to you, you probably saw the "Two Sisters Burger Empire and Holy Places" map of Carmen from last year. This is my setting and thus, I have now made 3 maps of this setting for my own use. I scavenged the outlines and rivers from the afformentioned map, as well as the text for all points of interest and then redid the texture, border, and added text appropriate for the cruises being advertised on this map.

It came about by a joke that if Iydra, the goddess behind all of these holy places on the burger map, wanted to monetize she could do cruise pilgrimages to all the seaside ones (which was most, because she's legendarily associated with rescuing sailors in storms and other emergencies on the water). It fit in with her character so I made it canon.

There's only limited land indication because my cowriter is originally a graphic designer and doesn't really want the informational part bogged down. That's fair. And also I feel like this has served its purpose. That said, unlike maps where the client has approved them, this being my own work, I am okay potentially making changes and your limited critique is welcome. I will not be altering the continent outlines on this variation... but there are some other things I might change, and it's very likely in the future I will make another map of Carmen as it's a very well established setting for me and my co-writer by now.

You may use this map for your non-profit private gaming needs without fear of repercussion if you are ever found out. You may not resell this map but you are welcome to use it as a setting for your pen and paper RPG session.