I made this in Inkarnate today, I'm not sure how I feel about it, I had something in mind and I think part way through that wasn't coming through quite right lmao. I will say, unexpectedly, that the hardest thing to create on this map was the border, mostly because of the layers. My lord, they fought me. Trying to get all of the layers to work together almost made me punch a wall, LOL.

I was trying to go for a Robin Hood sort of feel to the camp, like a lived in feel. Even though the homes are temporary as tents, I felt like they'd be willing to spend enough time to build buildings for the important things, like a bar or a building for supplies, or a building to house the treasure that could be easily guarded. I think if I had thought of it, I might have made a cave for the treasure instead.

Still figuring out Inkarnate, I know a lot of folks also take the maps into like Photoshop and noodle around there, I just haven't tried it yet!

Outlaw Camp.jpg