Wystern Ath is a world I am creating to maybe one day introduce to my players. I used FT3 to generate the land mass and then adjusted the oceans. I really like the geography. I think it has a lot of political potential, especially with the straights and peninsulas.

I got my start on using FT3 with HandsomeRob's Tutorial

I used height map brushes and adjusted them with bevel/emboss effects. (I am trying to track down the source where I got them.)

Other brushes are from JoshStolarz

The color palette is inspired by Kellerica's Slumbering Ocean

Still lots of work. The rivers are more draft, with a bit of a ratty brush, but I kind of like it.Any advice/input would be appreciated.

What I also like is that nearly all of my work is inspired by and the result of what others have contributed here at CG.

Wystern Ath Draft 1.png