My DND campaign I've been running for nearly 2 years just reached a timeskip. They have been rewarded with a stronghold for their efforts in the most recent war. They are using a ton of their funds and available time to make it the best it can be. I want to reward my players with a professional map of their new fortress. I want this to be as detailed as humanly possible, which means there will be a lot of details to share both in this post and any subsequent responses, so please bear with me if I do not reply immediately.

Project Scope/Copyright:
A single full color map to be used in a personal DND Campaign. Any copyright falls to the artist, and recreation or resale of the product will be allowed only by the artist.

Description of Map:
As this is a multipurpose structure, this section will be LONG.
The Structure will be a massive Castle, with multiple tiers and gatehouses. It will be positioned on the top of a large hill surrounded by a forest. The outer wall and main Gate will be surrounded by a moat. In total there will be 25 towers along the length of three walls, one outer wall and two interior walls. In addition to the main structure, there will be barracks, suitable for an army of 3500 troops. There will also be a moderately sized Church, a Wizards Tower (Separate from the wall towers), A large blacksmith shop, and the surrounding hill top will slowly become a town (not for quite some time after the fortress has been built). There will be two roads leading away from the fortress, one to the south east, and the other to the south west, both converging at the main gate into the fortress. I also request numerous tunnels running throughout the hill and underneath different portions of the castle that lead into the forest and beyond. I am sure there are more details you may need so please feel free to ask as many questions as you would like. I also have an area map that I will show to give more details of the surrounding area. The highlighted portion will be the location of this castle.

I would prefer 1920x1080 or higher resolution, with at least 300 dpi. I will leave the style up to you, but I am more than happy to give examples of other art styles from DND books that I love. Also I need it in Isometric X-ray perspective. This is because there many buildings with multiple floors, and id love to see what the inside of each building looks like.

Format: Preferably JPEG or PNG, but I will leave it to your discretion which format retains the higher resolution.

Price and Deadline: Pricing is negotiable, but my starting budget is $70. This can be adjustable. There is no hard deadline, but i would prefer to have a functioning draft by the end of February, if this is not doable, we can arrange for a more suitable timeframe.

Contact: Either on here via this post, my inbox, or on discord. My @ on discord is Joeker396#3306. I am most often on Discord.