First came the explorers. Then settlers followed them over the Dawn Sea to these wild and new lands, hoping to find a new place to live, to farm, to make a fortune. But New Falonde was not empty. Old ruins of vast Elven cities waited in the wilds, and tribes of orcs, lizardmen, and feral elves roamed the plains and deep forests of the continent...

Private commission for a tabletop round, showing a setting very much inspired by the 17th century US eastern seaboard. It's the first time I did a map that's mainly just parchment with shading, and issues on the side of the client turned what ought to have been a two week job at maximum to something I had to wait nearly five months to finish. Still, I like the end result, and the idea of mixing up colonialism with D&D certainly makes for some interesting gameplay and story opportunities.

New Falonde Upload.jpg