Maybe some of you have read my introduction post, and heard I am trying to write some "guide" to designing an inn for fantasy games, and in earlier stages I was stuck in the design the surroundings phase of the project. Why this phase was important? Mostly to see how big the inn is, what kind of people visits it, and various other questions. If we speak about world building and not only mapping the surrounding area can get more important. Also it delivers plot hooks for the adventures you can run with the inn as base of operation for your party.

So I reached to a point where some of the data is available and the surroundings are mapped at acceptable quality. Right now, I started to map the surrouding buildings, and the first version for first building seems to be ready.


You can get the source file (CC3 .fcw format) for this floorplan from the blog entry at Cartographer's Corner.

Who uses the building? Some of the people who work at the inn.