I have been running a D&D campaign for some friends (over Discord and using Adobe XD to share my screen for battle stuff, working really well) and they have been (surprisingly) really enjoying it.

Anyway, I've previously shared my regional map here, but running the mini-campaign pushed me to tackle a town map. Shout out to @Larb, I came across his minimal lineart style, using shadows to give depth and it really helped me save time and adapt my own style to produce the maps while struggling for time. So credit where credit is due for the inspiration - Larb.

Shiv's Hollow.png

They battled some pesky Shaugin on the high seas. arrived at Shiv's hollow to get their bearings before setting off along a dangerous smuggler path to Hillsend and ending a curse upon the town. Give that they are choosing a party name revolving around breaking curses, I foresee many more curses to contend with in their future.