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Thread: Dealing with "The Struggle", or how not to get distracted

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  1. #6


    I've tried to respond twice, and deleted whatever I'd come up with, because it wasn't helping. Whether society could change somehow to make creating art easier, I have no idea, and personally think society has nothing to do with it. Art is created by the individual. Some individuals might be more creative if society changed perhaps, but the motivations and ineptitudes we artists may or may not have are issues that the artist must work through him(her)self. I'm not a social engineer, nor have any interest in social engineering, and cannot even conceive how society could be different in such a way to make me more creative - to me, society has nothing to do with it.

    Now, your issue of not being able to complete a map - that's a problem you need to resolve, if you ever want to create your own maps. And that's "your" problem, not society's. I suggest you participate in a map challenge here at the CG. Don't worry about creating a winning entry, and don't concern yourself with the fact that the map you're creating for the challenge may not have a use for your game or fictional work - your goal here is to finish your map. A challenge is roughly 25-30 days time period from the announcement of a challenge to the vote by the community. If you can do that - create a map to meet in the challenge before the vote, you've succeeded. Then do it again, the next month - keep doing it and keep finishing maps.

    I used the CG map challenges as a jumping off point to begin a 15 year career as a freelance cartographer for the game industry (and that wasn't a goal, when I started, it just happened), then becoming a publisher of map products, and a third party publisher for Pathfinder/Starfinder RPG for 3 author/designers besides myself, with over 50 products. While I cannot say what the future holds for you once you start participating and completing CG map challenges, I'm fairly certain that's what you need to do, to solve your problem. (I hope I'm not coming off too harshly, I'm just trying to help).

    Last edited by Gamerprinter; 04-04-2022 at 12:59 AM.
    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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