Hello! My name is Towser and I thought I would say howdy and show you a map I am working on. Its a big city called Smale in a land known as Dalivean. So far I have put about 10 hours of work into this map. I want to build the city up and around the cliffs. I am going to be building the cliffs up higher though before I start adding anything else.

I like the idea of using hot air balloons as transportation in this city. I have a pretty big story line that goes along with this city and this world, so if you get curious and want to know more, feel free to ask me! Also any and all critiques are welcome...but be nice, I'm a bleeder!

Other Map info:
I made this using photoshop 7, and everything is on its own layer. The original file is 20 inches by 20 inches at 300 dpi. This version is 10 by 10. The water is from a texture I found in the resources forum. To make the cliffs I just drew the shapes and filled them in. Then I used the burn tool and a soft round brush to shade and blend the top layer and the bottom layer. I am hoping the cliffs look better as I add more altitude. I also used a few random grunge brushes I had to give some texture to the ground.

Hope you enjoy!Smale Draft 1.jpg