If you want to have CC3 double the size of your map and be able to keep calculating distances and such, try this one:

In the menu bar, select File>Drawing properties.

Then, in the dialog box, select "map units" (or something like this).

There, you will see a setting for correspondance between inches and distance units. Change this value (in your case, I think you should put 0.5).

Click OK. You can check if it worked by using Info>Distance on the total width of the map. The result should now be double than initial. If not, it means I am wrong and you should put 2 in the above-mentionned dialog box .

Your scale bar symbol will not update automatically, though.

Delete it, click on the icon right above your symbol list, on the left side. This will display all symbols that have been used previously in the drawing. Select your scale bar.

This will open a dialog box. Replace the word "Scale" by the length (in map units) of the scale bar. In your case, it should be double than on your original drawing. Position the scale bar symbol on your map. You're done.

There may be some inaccuracies in my explanations above as I have no access to CC3 right now, but I had a similar problem on one of my maps recently and I played with these settings.