Hi all, and thanks for the warm welcome! I started D&D with 1st ed when it came out (I was in 4th grade). Currently, after taking about 7 years off - having kids, moving etc, I am getting back in to it! I currently play D&D online using Skype and Maptools with friends and nephews in Los Angeles, Idaho, Utah, California and South Korea.

I am going to start up again with Alternity in a couple weeks with the same group. I am just finishing up the maps for the adventure. I found this website while I was tring to find a cool door image to use.

If anyone is interested I'll post the maps for the Alternity adventure when I am finished. They are the maps from the "Of Ghosts & Goblins" adventure that came out in the Action Check online magazine a while ago.

I have been amazed how well D&D has been going using Skype. Almost like being at the table! Almost...