Will do Gandwarf, but not on this map, this is only a colour/style test.

Yeah it would be a problem if a climate was temperant, mother nature is very annoyed in those areas

I have some questions if anyone can answer them. I need some measurements to help to set up Khazardia. I tried looking at an atlas but it didn't help. So, using the measurements for our world, my questions are...

1 - How far is it from the equator to the poles?
2 - How far is it from the equator to the tropic lines?
3 - How far is it from the poles to the artic circles?

If possible I would like the know these measurements in miles.

If anyone could answer these three I would be most grateful. The idea for Khazardia is that the southern most point sits between the tropics and the equator and the northern most point hits the artic circle. Of course, all of the ice up there hides the actual end of Khazardia and makes it look like it goes all the way to the north pole, where the Everlandian Santa lives. I am very aware that Khazardia is going to be quite big, Adallia is going to be tiny by comparison.

Any help would be great.
