Thanks for all the compliments. I could try putting together a tutorial, though I've never really made one before. It'd be fun to try though.

Quote Originally Posted by Boethius61 View Post
I like it. Do you have a quik technique for all those great buildings or is that all just done the old fashioned way?
It's sort of a mix. I use photoshop and I draw all the building rooftops on with the line tool (varying the width as I go). Then I add a layer style of stroke and dropshadow. Then I bisect the roof by hand and colour in the darker side of the roof by hand in a slightly darker roof colour. Then I sketch on some faint lines.

As for the stream, it flows out of the cliff. The whole landscape slopes down but the town is on a sort of flat outcrop. So it runs underground until there. There's a pumphouse that pumps up water in the middle of the town with the excess flowing off that little waterfall.