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Thread: Rough Sketch Coastal w/ Large Island(s)

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    Help Rough Sketch Coastal w/ Large Island(s)

    Hey Everyone,

    I would like to write a fantasy story, but before I get too far into the project, it would be nice to have some visuals. I started to create some maps myself but quickly learned that it was going to take a lot more effort than I thought. I can do simple shapes, but I'm not sure I want to learn enough to do moutains, rivers, lakes, forests, multiple realistic islands, etc ...

    If anyone would like to help me, I would appreciate it. I may want further maps in the future if my project gets some momentum, so I am not completely against the idea of compensation. I just don't have the budget to pay you anything at the moment, but different forms of payment in the future would be appropriate depending on circumstances. My project may require webspace in the future, so free ads or free webspace would be an appropriate payment (if you have something to advertise). My wife is trying to start a home business selling soap. Free samples/products would also be an appropriate payment as well. And, the soap we could probably do a lot sooner than the free webspace or free ad space.

    Here's the details:


    * Unpaid with possible payment(s) in the future

    Time Constraints

    * No particular time contraints, but something within a couple of weeks would be nice.


    * I am looking for a simple map with simple graphics. Some color would be nice but not required at this point.

    Description of Map

    * I have attached a rough idea of the map I have in mind
    * Description: A regional map of a large coastal land with one or more islands a few miles off the coast. A real world equivalent would probably be England with continental Europe nearby.
    * One point of the larger island should be rather close to the larger land mass, like the English Channel.
    * At least one river on the larger island coming from a moutain range on the island.
    * Forest areas, Plains, Deserts, & Lakes, etc ... on all or most of the larger of the landmasses.
    * The far side of the large landmass (the one at the edge of the map) should probably end in something that ancient civilizations would have viewed as a boundary, such as a large moutain range or large desert.
    *NO PLACE NAMES, please.

    * I don't particularly care about the scale, but it would be nice to be able to have several cities on the larger of the islands. (Couple hundred miles across east to west, maybe!)

    Quality & Size

    * Lower Quality Sketch ... although a little color to distinguish different types of land would be nice.
    * Only for the web at the moment, but if my story gets published, a larger print version would be nice as well.
    * Dimensions of map: 800 pixels wide or so for the web, larger original if it isn't that much extra work.
    * Raster for initial map is fine / possible Vector version for later.

    Copyright - (I don't want to get a lawyer involved unless it looks like I will make money off this project).

    * The artist will retain copyright of the map, but I would like to use it for whatever purpose I desire, commercial included. If I make money off my project, payment can be discussed.

    My email address is MSL**underscore**007**AT**
    (Replace **underscore** with _)
    (Replace **AT** with @)

    If I did pay someone for this, I have no idea what it would be worth. You can suggest a price, if you like.

    Much of the plot of my story may come from your imagination, so have fun.

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