So, with a suitable delay, here's the Sand Dragon Inn from Kobold Quarterly #10. It's an Arabian Inn with an open central courtyard. However, few visitors know the dark secret lurking in the tunnels below.

This was a fun map to create. I wanted to get some patterns and mosaics into the image - so I created them from references and made sure I could make a proper tiling mosaic. The courtyard took a while, but I'm very pleased with it!

Anyway, if you like it then I'd recommend picking up the pdf of KQ10 where you get a higher resolution version as well as the text that goes along with the location. (full disclosure - I'm not on royalties or anything, I just think it's a good article).


All done in Gimp with a tablet.

Oh, and here's the repeating star tile pattern:

As this is a commissioned piece it is not CC licensed, but rights reserved.