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Thread: From vectorial to bitmap: Lin e Rin transformed

  1. #1
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected
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    Wip From vectorial to bitmap: Lin e Rin transformed

    The aim: Try to convert one of my (not really) old map, made with inkscape, into a bitmap map with a more suggestive appearence.

    The map is a large regional map of my world, and cover the domains (Lin "The sea" and Rin "the earth") of a demi-god named Duruss'ma.

    The original map (some layers are not visible):

    lin e rin reliu.jpg

    Firt mission, to draw a bump map for the relief ( a map with a shade of grey associated with an altitude). After exporting altitude's layers (1000m, 2000m and 4000m) from inkscape to GIMP, i have added more altitude's layers (from 0m to 7000m). For the colors i use a regular scale of grey (black = 0m, grey 95% black = 500m, grey 90% = 1000m...). With a lot of work, using pencil, selection's tools and bluring, i have my bump map:

    bump map.jpg

    Next, i will draw the terrain and the sea.

  2. #2


    I'm working on the 3d relief thing at the moment and will be interested to see where you take this. There are a few corpses littered on the road you're travelling down (mine one of them)....Let's hope you get to the gold!

  3. #3
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Your welcome to play with my free realtime 3D viewer I just saved out the color and height aligned them in a bitmap editor then saved the color one as Color.bmp and height as Height.bmp then run the app. (You could do with a better alignment than I did !)
    Last edited by Redrobes; 02-07-2010 at 04:08 PM.

  4. #4
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    Wilbur has similar capabilities for 3D viewing plus features for manipulation of the terrain.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  5. #5
    Guild Adept moutarde's Avatar
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    This is really cool, I hope it turns out well for you. It really looks like you've put a lot work into it!

  6. #6
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected
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    Your welcome to play with my free realtime 3D viewer I just saved out the color and height aligned them in a bitmap editor then saved the color one as Color.bmp and height as Height.bmp then run the app. (You could do with a better alignment than I did !)

    Wilbur has similar capabilities for 3D viewing plus features for manipulation of the terrain.
    I will try them, it's your works?

    There are a few corpses littered on the road you're travelling down (mine one of them)....Let's hope you get to the gold!
    Maybe, quickly there will be an other...

    To show the result of the bump map, two attempts:

    this one:


    and this one with the layer of the bump map at 50% of opacity on top:


    Do you thing that i should change something?

  7. #7
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    The bump map works very well with the overall map layout. I'm not sure that a 3D mountain or terrain view would add that much to the effect.

    The layout of your rivers seems to be physically unrealistic in many cases (rivers branch and rejoin and sometimes appear to be flowing uphill or through mountainous terrain where there seems to be a shorter option to lower terrain). The biggest visual river problems are just to the left of center. The rivers down the valley form large loops around islands. The primary rule that "water flows downhill by the steepest route" doesn't allow for large-scale river features such as this to form or to remain stable over a period much longer than a few years (such as might occur during the formation of an oxbow lake).

    Do you have a scale for this map? Many features of river and mountain systems are scale-dependent and it would really help in an understanding of the map.

  8. #8
    Guild Artisan su_liam's Avatar
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    Waldronate, it looks like you've enhanced the 3d preview function in Wilbur. Any chance of an update?

  9. #9
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    There are still a couple of minor things to do before the next update. The basic functionality is still the same, there are just a couple of more little things added. The texture map base, for example, is a feature in the current version (Shader Setup, Blending tab, pick a texture - in this case it was an all-white terrain coloring setup).

  10. #10
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected
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    The layout of your rivers seems to be physically unrealistic in many cases (rivers branch and rejoin and sometimes appear to be flowing uphill or through mountainous terrain where there seems to be a shorter option to lower terrain). The biggest visual river problems are just to the left of center. The rivers down the valley form large loops around islands. The primary rule that "water flows downhill by the steepest route" doesn't allow for large-scale river features such as this to form or to remain stable over a period much longer than a few years (such as might occur during the formation of an oxbow lake).
    It isn't naturals waterways but canals, digged to cut the meanders.

    Do you have a scale for this map? Many features of river and mountain systems are scale-dependent and it would really help in an understanding of the map.

    And now the progress of the map:


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