Since I was putting this thread together I had to look at all of these maps for about an hour so I got pretty familiar with them. I'm picking DJ and Imm. Imm did the map that I wanted to do but didn't know how to get started on it (I've been in a funk for a month now). DJ because he's trying something other than hand-drawn and I always applaud trying new things...especially when it comes out as natural as the other things he does. Now those are just the two I'm picking for now. All of these are way sweet and it's very hard to pick just two, for me. Clearly, we all understand what we're doing and how we're doing it AND that we have all made a fair number of dungeons in the past. Ah the good ole days, the smell of the paper and hot eraser, the lead on our hands, the limitless ideas in our heads. These all bring back great memories for me. Let me just add that you all rock so keep it up and you're all getting a nice whomp from my +15 holy bastard sword of enlightened repping. Oh and you guys rock