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Thread: Untitled star system map

  1. #1
    Guild Member Fuse's Avatar
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    Wip Untitled star system map

    So I admit I saw another members map and really wanted to try doing my own. It's similar, but a little different.
    I was mainly just fooling around for fun, so there was no science behind it. Just playing with PS.

    I don't really like the different color circles that represent different systems (as occupied by varying peoples).
    Think the colored border is too wide and that instead of multicolor circles, I should just stick with one.. and maybe inset a flag or icon representing that people underneath along with their name.

    I also wanted to put some larger stars in, but the PS lensflare wasn't really doing it...

    So what do you guys think?
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    Last edited by Fuse; 03-03-2010 at 02:16 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    It looks good ... I think it would benefit from some larger black areas to remind us of deep space, the color circles is a fine way to point out systems, but they should be connected with names and perhaps flags/heraldry of some sorts. Concerning flares make sure you are on a layer that is visible (ie on top), and I think the "movie" flare is the best one for stars - but play around with them - and dont put the value to high as it will fill the space (pun intended)
    regs tilt
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  3. #3
    Guild Member Fuse's Avatar
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    I'd like to try and get those larger black areas you're talking about, but haven't been able to figure out a good way to do it yet.
    I did try making a different map. Same style, but this time putting a grid and some lens flares in there.
    Next will come naming and labeling of systems. Just have to figure out how I want to do it.
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  4. #4
    Guild Member Fuse's Avatar
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    So I've added some routes and distances along with system names.. the distances are a close estimate and not exact. Meh, works for me.
    What do you guys think?
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  5. #5
    Community Leader mearrin69's Avatar
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    Heya. Looks pretty good to me. The space is a little nebulae-heavy but that can certainly be explained I think. Another thing that caught my attention is that The Big Empty and Raider's Run sound sort of Firefly-ish, while the names of the systems are a little more "serious" so they don't, to me, match very well. Depending on what you're going for you might try naming a couple of the systems things like "Bob's Hope" or "We Made It" or something to match those...or rename those more seriously, something like "The Kodar Rift" or whatever (yeah, skip my two system names...the first is TOO corny and the second is ripped from Niven ). Hope any of that helps.

  6. #6
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    looks really good, and a nice touch with the flaring stars instead of the circles - works nicely. And nice lettering too
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  7. #7
    Guild Member Fuse's Avatar
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    Hmm, I've never seen firefly.
    I was giving some places a sort of common-man name rather than a proper name.. sort of how construction workers, miners, or police might have a nickname for the area's they work in that are famous for something. I'll think on other names though.

    I want to add something.. else. Not sure exactly. I was kind of wanting to add a black border around the image and doing the A-Z/1-26 lettering and numbering along the sides.
    Any suggestions as to what else could be put in?

    Thanks for the C&C by the way. I spent a lot of time on it last night.

    EDIT: Here's a little update
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    Last edited by Fuse; 03-05-2010 at 09:36 PM.

  8. #8
    Guild Adept
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    Nice. Reminds me of Freelancer the video game.

  9. #9
    Guild Expert rdanhenry's Avatar
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    Stars can be seen a long way off. They'd have names long before their systems were settled. Regional nicknames might be given centuries later. There's little reason for such names to be "consistent". Indeed, within a hundred mile radius, I can find names solemnly religious in tone, whimsical, or politically-motivated (named after someone the founders wanted patronage from). Not to mention in a mix of languages. Unless one fairly homogeneous group does the naming over a fairly short time period, there's little reason to expect that the naming will fit a single paradigm.

  10. #10


    Looking very nice there Fuse!

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