From the tutorial:
7. Click on the Background layer then Filter > Render > Clouds.
I am new to mapping,and Photoshop, but I was enthralled with Ascension's huge town tutorial.
I wanted to create a thread to follow my attempt to create a town using the tutorial text, with the intention of creating a full PDF tutorial with images at the end. So, each update to this thread will be the next step (or group of steps) from the tutorial with a screen shot of the work-in-progress.
Each post will contain a snippet of the original tutorial steps that the image will implement. My comments will appear in Yellow.
Without further ado:
This is the starting image - a white background, 11" x 8.5"
Last edited by phatticus; 06-10-2010 at 06:25 PM.
From the tutorial:
7. Click on the Background layer then Filter > Render > Clouds.
Last edited by phatticus; 06-10-2010 at 10:37 AM.
8. Duplicate this layer (it will be named Background copy), either use Layer > Duplicate Layer or click hold, and drag the layer to the little square within a square icon at the bottom of the layer stack.
9. Any changes that we make will be made on this layer instead of our original clouds on the Background layer.
10. Grab the Brush tool (if you see a pencil then right click on that and change it). At the top left of the screen you will see a little image of what tip you have and next to it is a little upside down triangle...click on that triangle to bring up the Brush Preset Picker. Scroll down the list to the Airbrush Soft Round 300. At the top of the screen you will see the word “Flow” and a box next to it with a number and a tiny triangle...click on the triangle and a slider will appear. Grab the slider and move it to the left until the number changes from 100% to 10%.
11. Now we are going to paint in a rough river valley with black and then we are going to go over everything else with white. We will leave some gray around the valley edges.
NOTES: This step I am interpolating since the original tutorial didn't have an example image to show exactly what was being done. If I did this wrong, please correct me and I will update it.
Last edited by phatticus; 06-10-2010 at 06:26 PM.
12. Duplicate this layer (it will be named Background copy 2) and rename it to “Hills”. To do this double-click on the words that say Background copy 2 and then enter the new text (Hills). Duplicate this layer and rename it to “Mountains”. Lastly, hide this layer by poking out the little eye on the layer stack and click on the Hills layer.
14. Filter > Render > Lighting Effects. Use the settings in the attached image. What confuses most people is that there are 5 lights (one in each corner and one in the middle). To add a light click on the light bulb, hold, and drag it into the preview image. All are Omni lights and all have the same settings: Intensity = 6, Gloss = -100, Material = 100, Exposure = 0, Ambience = 8. Make sure that the Texture Channel is set properly to Red, “White is high” is checked, and that the Height is all the way up to 100 (Mountainous). Make sure that the ring around each white dot covers its quarter of the image and that the center dot extends to overlap with the others. This gives our terrain a bit of depth even though it sort of looks like stone. Lastly, set the layer's blend mode to Overlay.
NOTES: I have shown the sequence of lighting effect, and the final result. I am not 100% sure this is how it should look, but it is close enough to continue (I think). If I have done something obviously wrong, please tell me.
Last edited by phatticus; 06-10-2010 at 06:26 PM.
15. Click on the Mountains layer. Filter > Render > Lighting Effects...use the setting in the attached image. Here we have one spotlight coming in from the bottom right. Intensity is 13, Focus is 100, Gloss is 100, Material is 100, Exposure is 0, Ambience is 8, Texture Channel is Red, “White is high” is checked, and Height is all the way up to 100. Lastly, set the layer's blend mode to overlay.
16. Create a new layer and rename it “Land color”. Fill this layer with your favorite green color...I went with a sage green, hex code 555A41 (85, 90, 65).
17. Create a new layer and rename it “Adjust1”. Hit the D key to reset your colors to black and white. Change the black to a dark green, hex code 142800 (RGB 20, 40, 0) and change the white to a yellow, hex code F0DC82 (RGB 240, 220, 130). Filter > Render > Clouds. Set the blend mode of the layer to soft light with a 50% opacity.
18. Create a new layer and rename it “Adjust2”. Change the green to hex code 506E32 (RGB 80, 110, 50) and change the yellow to hex code 807040 (RGB 128, 112, 64). Hit ctrl+f to repeat the clouds. Set the blend mode of the layer to Soft Light at 50% opacity.