Hallo Landsmann, welcome to the guild!
There are a lot of Gimp tutorials in the proper section. Search for a style you like and post your progress in the WIP section to get some critique. Looking forward to your first computer assisted map.
Hi there.
I like roleplaying and fantasy for some years now. And I always loved drawing maps and simple (but not TOO simple) pictures of fantastic settings. And since I want to update my skills in picture manipulation and drawing, I decidet to try some computer-assisted map making right now.
I won't use them in my small project right now: I want to make a little "Worldbuilder Guidebook"-like source book for young storytellers. So I better use simple drawn maps there wich the reader can easily reproduce with just a pencil and some paper.
But maybe there will be use of my PC-maps too sometimes.
I'm looking forward to learn many new skills, exchange great ideas and to have a nice time with new friends and artists.
So long
Hallo Landsmann, welcome to the guild!
There are a lot of Gimp tutorials in the proper section. Search for a style you like and post your progress in the WIP section to get some critique. Looking forward to your first computer assisted map.
Welcome Aboard!
My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
Vom fränkischen Steigerwald, Willkommen und ein Gruß nach Thüringen.
(English: From the Franconian Steigerwald, welcome and greetings to Thuringia.)
Mark Oliva
The Vintyri (TM) Project
welcome to the guild - look through our tutorials and post in the WIP section for help and critique... and we also love hand drawn maps![]()
regs tilt
:: My DnD page Encounter Depot free stuff for your game :: My work page Catapult ::
:: Finished Maps :: Competion maps - The Island of Dr. Rorshach ::
:: FREE Tiles - Compasses :: Other Taking a commision - Copyright & Creative Commons ::
Works under CC licence unless mentioned otherwise
Ah, I can not use my PC for the next weeks. But today I tried some tutorials and created my first coastline. Step for step I get some better understanding of my graphic tools. Thank you all for the greetings and the good tutorialsAs soon as I have created a full map, I will post it to recieve critic and help. Bye
Welcome to the Guild!
Daniel the Neon Knight: Campaign Cartographer User
Never use a big word when a diminutive one will suffice!
Any questions on CC3? Post them with CC3 in the Subject Line!
MY 'FAMOUS' CC3 MAPS: Thunderspire; Pyramid of Shadows; King of the Trollhaunt Warrens; Demon Queen's Enclave
Hallo Thomas. Willkommen in der Gilde!
My Deviant Art Map Gallery