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Thread: Online Gaming Map Project

  1. #41

  2. #42
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Lol. I can easily do a zoomed in version if the map I supplied has the information and detail already in it. I suspect tho that you need to zoom in a very long way so that all you would see would be plain sand. You probably need new maps to link to and im less inclined to do cities and stuff like that esp in ISO view. But theres scope here for several people to wade in a do something. I'll post some masks and textures here so you have something to use if you want to modify it. I dont have a specific paint package file for it tho.

    There, 4 files, all uploaded at the same time. Two of which are same size, same format, same color palette and yet one of them doesnt come out in the thumbs. Something is very odd about the attachment system in this vBulletin V4 software. Anyhoo, you also have the land sea border and light map above. Thats about it. I have included the height map too which is a coarser version of the one used to generate the light map and for anyone else to mess about with Egypt in general. You will need a green veg texture and some sand but im using some pretty generic veg and sand so almost anything will do.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Redrobes; 09-16-2010 at 05:47 PM.

  3. #43
    Guild Apprentice
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    @ravells sorry not trying to be greedy - its just the project is a big one which i doubt one person would do alone, i did mention it in the first post Very few websites out there have done MMO's with cartography type maps which you interact socially with other players which is free.

    @RR the cities will be constructed as a secondary layer on the website by my game engine so none of that is an issue - so only bare landscapes is what i was missing. The one issue is at this point, in a zoom in posistion the heights / dunes would change for example...the heights would appear more exagerrated (though i guess a shadow effect would pull off the same visual illusion)

    Say you visit a city on the left side of the nile's edge, then the landscape would show a large river's edge on the left of the landscape in the "zoomed" in mode.

    From what i predict ( although this does not need to be done for ages yet - like weeks..) would be a basic sandy landscape, no trees... but the rivier position in different places :
    Top Left/Right
    Top Across
    Bottom Across
    Bottom Left/Right
    Middle Down (city would be on both sides of the nile in this case)
    No river at all - but some green vegetation
    No river at all - no green vegetation

    This would cover each city position that was possible. If needs be when the time comes i can just make a new thread requesting which is not for some weeks yet cos the game engine will take some time.
    Last edited by cu11; 08-05-2010 at 04:56 PM.

  4. #44
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Sure, I think post a new request as it sounds like a different sort of map and mapper might be needed.

  5. #45
    Guild Apprentice
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    Dec 2009


    Okies will do

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