Almost there. Finally got all the kingdoms with their major cities on the western half. Now just have to finish out the eastern half. How about a little history for Urtopis?

This map is based on an old role playing campaign from the late 1980s (1986-1992). While digging around through some very old stuff I had collected, I found an ancient dot matrix print out of the outline of the continent. I scanned it and converted it into a Photoshop file. I even found a data sheet on the world and some old hand drawn maps. With over a hundred lines of data, I only include the most relevant data below. I have tried to scan the hand drawn maps; however, they are so old that they do not scan very well.

Equatorial Radius: 5,989,774.188 meters
Polar Radius: 5,975,822.208 meters
Volumetric Mean Radius: 5,985,119.912 meters
Oblateness: 0.00232929980722942
Inverse Flattening Ratio: 429.313563198826
Surface Gravity: 10.3162 meters/second^2
Escape Velocity: 11,112.4918 meters/second^2
Total Surface Area: 449,448,751.0671 square kilometers
Land Surface Area: 143,823,600.3415 square kilometers
Ocean Surface Area: 305,625,150.7256 square kilometers
Land/Ocean Percentage: 32/68
Topographic Range: 26,813 m
Number of Natural Satellites: 2
Mean Distance: 210,790,462,973 meters (1.409047 AUs)
Orbital Period: 49,766,400 seconds (576 Earth Days, 432 Havran Days)
Orbital Obliquity: 21.75°
Rotational Period: 99,000 seconds (27.5 hours)

Most of the adventuring was around Vesem and Cromak since those two kingdoms were in dispute. There was no official war, but there were constantly skirmishes on their border. Also, my character was from Wolan which had been invaded along with Kreblin and Mandor by the Chungrun. Unbeknownst to my character (since he was orphaned as a babe), he was the last surviving member of the Wolan Family Royale. Unfortunately, the GM for the campaign died from pulmonary cystic fibrosis before my character could find out being the King of Wolan and trying to free Wolan from the Chungrun. The Wilds is a region most stay out of. However, my main character, Sarum, discovered that The Wilds are inhabited and protected by Wood Elves. Most humans stay away due to many negative legends speaking of all who enter never return. Not true, just most who enter, decide not to return and migrate to the human enclaves within The Wilds.

Eventually, I'll get this map finished. Just don't have enough free time to work on it and the new map I just started.
