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Thread: Trying out animation

  1. #1
    Professional Artist Djekspek's Avatar
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    Default Trying out animation

    Heya, never really looked at Flash but someone pointed to me I should really check it out. Had to clear my mind from other work so did a little experimenting with this tool. Just beginning to see what this tool can do, but I think it's awesome... I did a quick animation and thought why not share... (not sure if .swf works as an attachment on vBulletin) I hope when I have some more time to do a really big animation of building up some city/castle... *dream dream* cheers!
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  2. #2
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    What you probably need to do is make a little web page up which is real simple and then upload it to some kind of web host. In there you can embed the SWF so that the web page plays the animation. Heck id be real surprised if there was not some kind of export web page with animation option in your flash software.

  3. #3
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    I agree with Ravs, these (.SWFs) work best when embedded into a web page.

    I used FLASH a bit in the past, while you can do all kinds of neat stuff with it. I found the interface
    to be a bit clunky and the whole process a bit of a time-sink for little gain.

    Hopefully they've changed things and it's better now.
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  4. #4
    Professional Artist Djekspek's Avatar
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    Ah, guess I need to have a website somewhere then. Well, I uploaded to deviant-art and they have a flash view option so at least I know it could work For those interested, [link]. cheers!

  5. #5
    Guild Expert Ramah's Avatar
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    That looks really great, DJ.

    How long did that take you to do?
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  6. #6
    Guild Journeyer arakish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steel General View Post
    I used FLASH a bit in the past, while you can do all kinds of neat stuff with it. I found the interface
    to be a bit clunky and the whole process a bit of a time-sink for little gain.

    Hopefully they've changed things and it's better now.
    Unfortunately, no it has not. The interface is better, but the time-sink has actually increased (at least I think it has, especially since Adobe took over). The only reason I use Flash is because work uses it for some projects. Otherwise, I'd never use it. Like you said, too much work and time for so little gain.

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  7. #7
    Professional Artist Djekspek's Avatar
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    thanks Ramah, my 1st attempt took me (after a couple of hours trying to figure out how the basics work) only about 30 mins to draw ( Flash supports pressure-sensitive drawing ). So for my first animation I was pretty pleased But i think if you want to make something really pretty (and a little longer) it would take a lot of time, just like any animation basically The cool thing is that you can split it up in overlaying parts/layers and do small (repeatable) pieces giving great control over the animation. There's also an onion-skin display that work very nice. I agree with Arakish, it's not really suited to create complete websites (esp. maintaining this), but for animation thingies it seems very cool. Also the "programming" language I just looked into can generate some pretty cool effects with just a few lines of code. I'm actually thinking of creating a map as an animation.... hmm well... when I have time .. want more time in a day! cheers!

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