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Thread: [WIP] Fijüwë

  1. #1
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    Default [WIP] Fijüwë

    Hi there,

    Got finaly my first "rought draft" of the damn world I need to create.

    It's well... hum, the outershape. I'm trying to guess what I am supposed to do with it !

    I want to add names and all, but I'm still figuring it out.

    Well, the first map didn't pleased my publisher, so he had me redo one. I've done the map then put it on the screen of a datapad.

    The first version uses assests who aren't mines (obvious I can't do such a datapad) then the PNG is the best I could do with only my stupids drawing skills (I have obviously none) since my publisher wants it to the datapad no matter what... (I hate him, yes, it's said).

    Any adivice? (The map is made by me, so is the injection of the map into the two different datapads).

    It's my first map so I don't know if it's good enough as a map or not.

    [09/01/2001 ; 20H56] Well, I had something that I'm hoping will be usefull : The interface the maps will be displayed on. It's called E-reader because it's the soft that allows people to read both my free and commercial books, it's still in its very early beta version.
    Djenny Floro.
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    Last edited by Ukyuu; 01-09-2011 at 03:59 PM. Reason: Update of the works.

  2. #2
    Guild Adept Aenigma's Avatar
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    Looks nice, but to be honest the name really puts me off. It sounds nice, but it's quite hard to read and generally that'something to be avoided (at least in larger quantities.)
    If the name you chose is part of some fictional language for this planet you made, then it's more ok, I think.

    Other than that, I can only say that I really wanna see a bigger-resolution version of this map!
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  3. #3
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    Yes, the map's name is part of the elvin language of the book I'm writing.
    At the begining of the book, (third sentence) here is what the heroine says:

    - To read elvin is simple, just read every voyel where there is a trema as if there hasn't, the trema is to indicate that you should accentuate your pronunciation in it.

    Fact is my editor wanted an "acentued language" and he was bothering me saying it was sweeter to the eyes (who the hell will think that nowadays?) so I redid my whole encyclopedia (yes, there's one of this language took me a year and a half to do it) and put accents here and there.... Sorry for the inconvenience.


  4. #4
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    Well, I've update the main post of the topic.

    I've done my best so far but it's irritating that I'm totally limited by my poor skills, it's not very great, and there's nothing I can do to make things better at this point, I've worked all night for such a stupid result... I have used :

    - Fractal Terrains Pro
    - Paint
    - Paint Shop Pro 9
    - 1 random "Datapad" found in the web
    - 1 self-made "Datapad" (paint)

    And I'm out of any idead on how to make the thing I've done with paint any better.


  5. #5
    Guild Adept Aenigma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ukyuu View Post

    Yes, the map's name is part of the elvin language of the book I'm writing.
    At the begining of the book, (third sentence) here is what the heroine says:

    - To read elvin is simple, just read every voyel where there is a trema as if there hasn't, the trema is to indicate that you should accentuate your pronunciation in it.

    Fact is my editor wanted an "acentued language" and he was bothering me saying it was sweeter to the eyes (who the hell will think that nowadays?) so I redid my whole encyclopedia (yes, there's one of this language took me a year and a half to do it) and put accents here and there.... Sorry for the inconvenience.

    You've made your own language? Thats fantastic! I'm also doing that right now for the book I'm working at! (at a rather slow pace xD)
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  6. #6
    Guild Expert Greason Wolfe's Avatar
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    Don't get frustrated, Djenny. We all had to take little steps at first. There are a lot of folks here that are probably willing to help you out as much as they can. To make things easier, though, it might help if we had a better idea of what you are trying to get out of this map. I'd recommend going through the Finished Maps sub-forum and maybe the Regional/World Mapping sub-forum and see if there is anything in there that is close to what you're trying to achieve. The other good sub-forum to go through is the Tutorials sub-forum since many of the tutorials there are often directly related to a finished map somewhere in one of the other sub-forums.

    I know it can be a bit discouraging when you first start out and aren't getting what you want out of the map you're trying to make. For us cartographers, patience is very much a virtue. If you're having trouble achieving a particular look or effect, don't hesitate to ask for help. And lastly, Redrobes, one of our upstanding members here, has put together a keyword index located here ( You might try browsing through that list as well, looking, in particular, for the applications you are using.

    Hang in there, and I promise things will get better.


    One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.

    Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aenigma View Post
    You've made your own language? Thats fantastic! I'm also doing that right now for the book I'm working at! (at a rather slow pace xD)
    Creating a language is a three-step thing... it's much simpler than making a map (from my point of view) but it takes a very long time.

    Step 1 :

    First, you need to create a dictionnary, the best thing to do is to find a list of world in your own language, then patiently (you'll need a LOT of patience) write a word of your own for each and every word (even if it's a one-letter word).

    Do to do that :
    - Invent your own list of sufixes and prefixes, (it's the most important part !)
    - Assemble the biggest dictionnary in your own native language possible,
    - Invent your own tonality (a language must have a uniform sound and tonality,
    - Invent your set of syllabs ( Take, for exemple, the same number of syllabs as in japaneese on their 2 basics alphabets, it's a good number)
    - Assign to each syllab either a symbol (and you get a japanese / arabic type of alphabet) or a letter (accentued or not, you can even invent your own accents); the best is to create the two of them
    - Create your dictionnary

    This step can take up to a year, since there is actually no software developper who has thought of making a soft for that (I've tried to create it, the software is too complicated for my level) using MS Access can fasten the process.

    2 : Create a language structure

    2.1 Create a grammar

    This is where you should copy an existing one, my advice : French or English are tbe best to copy. You can use Japaneese or arabic if you want symbol based language (throug you can apply english or french structure to symbols too). The best is to use the one you're most comfortable with.

    2.2 Create a civilization

    No language is born out of a civilisation, a language depends on the value of a civilisation. Some exemples :

    - Asian language shows how much they value respect by having suffixes for the different familly members, friends, and a hierrarchie of respect (san, sama, chan, obasan, neesan etc...)
    - Turquoise (RPG Invented language, don't remember the author through) is born in a military driven civilisation, there is suffixes and words for the differents populations, warrior / non-warriors aren't allowed to use the same type of words, thus leads to a two-level language...

    2.3 : Rethink your dictionnary for a most efficent use with the 2.1 and 2.2, add the words your world needs. Don't forget to invent words for new / non-existent species and plants.

    3 - Laws

    One of the most importants parts of the language is to add laws to it. Think about the strong words, what's authorized to pronounce, some words can be forbident (like voldemort in Harry Potter) and have to be replaced.

    You create some references textes (religions, rought outdraft of laws that rules your countries).

    Create a set of 10 000 words who are specifics 5000 first names, 5000 familly-names.

    END of making a language (basic way)

    Once you've done that, the changes in the whole thing will be natural during the play (players will most likely shorten some words, mispell and such, write it all down with the number of occurence) and consider this as the natural language evolution. If you're writting a book, consider doing so on your own to make the language evolve... don't forget that the only languages who never evolves and stop having dialects are dead languages, so if your civilization is still alive, don't fix it into stone...

    Hope it helps you a bit in your language-making and helps you fasten your language-making.

    Quote Originally Posted by Greason Wolfe View Post
    Don't get frustrated, Djenny. We all had to take little steps at first. There are a lot of folks here that are probably willing to help you out as much as they can. To make things easier, though, it might help if we had a better idea of what you are trying to get out of this map. I'd recommend going through the Finished Maps sub-forum and maybe the Regional/World Mapping sub-forum and see if there is anything in there that is close to what you're trying to achieve. The other good sub-forum to go through is the Tutorials sub-forum since many of the tutorials there are often directly related to a finished map somewhere in one of the other sub-forums.

    I know it can be a bit discouraging when you first start out and aren't getting what you want out of the map you're trying to make. For us cartographers, patience is very much a virtue. If you're having trouble achieving a particular look or effect, don't hesitate to ask for help. And lastly, Redrobes, one of our upstanding members here, has put together a keyword index located here ( You might try browsing through that list as well, looking, in particular, for the applications you are using.

    Hang in there, and I promise things will get better.


    Thank you so much for your support. I'm curently doing so. Fact is that what I want to make is a map that appears in a datapad. The datapad is old (It's 30 years old so the technology should look somehow out-of-date for a faraway futurist world)....

    I didn't found any artworks showing datapads, maybe I'm using the wrong keywords : Future, Datapad.

    If you have any sugestions about how to research better, I'm all up for it !


  8. #8
    Guild Adept Aenigma's Avatar
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    That's a really handy guide on how to make a language!

    I began my language-creation by writing a sentence of words I made up, which I used as a base on roughly how the language should sound.
    I then decided on how the language should function when it comes to this:
    I am
    you are
    he/she/it is
    we are...

    The two key things for me are 'functionality/practicality' and 'beauty'.
    aka the language must work and be easy to use (meaning that not all words are overdramatic and five miles long) and it must be beautiful, like french is considered beautiful and, well, dutch isn't...
    Last edited by Aenigma; 01-09-2011 at 05:12 PM.
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  9. #9
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    Too shorts words are problematic too.

    And remember, there's always a fan lurking around that might try to learn it, so the more you structure it, the more you rule it, the best pleased will that one fan in his place, somewhere, in a dark grotto, be.

  10. #10
    Guild Expert Greason Wolfe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ukyuu View Post

    snip . . .

    Thank you so much for your support. I'm curently doing so. Fact is that what I want to make is a map that appears in a datapad. The datapad is old (It's 30 years old so the technology should look somehow out-of-date for a faraway futurist world)....

    I didn't found any artworks showing datapads, maybe I'm using the wrong keywords : Future, Datapad.

    If you have any sugestions about how to research better, I'm all up for it !

    Ahh, for that, then, you might want to try the Sci-fi/Modern sub-forum. Also, we had a challenge sometime back, and I think it was Ravells, though I can't be sure, that might have done (or started) with something like what you're describing. If he happens to peek in on this thread, perhaps he can provide a link to what he was doing. I'm not big on the sci-fi mapping, but I seem to remember a few in that sub-forum that, while not specifically what you're looking for, might give you a few ideas about how to move forward with what you have.


    One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.

    Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
    Current Lite Challenge WIP : None
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    Completed Maps : Various Challenges

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