Quote Originally Posted by Midgardsormr View Post
I finally got around to updating my video drivers so Media Player will stop crashing my browser. So now I can say thank you! It will be a while before I can try it out myself; I am still waiting on the funds to buy a nice tablet. I already know, though, that I'm looking forward to the more complex techniques you teased near the end.

I'll agree that not quite being able to see the tools was a little frustrating, but bandwidth and storage space issues are certainly understandable. Even so, I learned quite a bit from just being able to watch your "hand" and listen to your thought process as you painted.

I also quite appreciate the continued reminders that "neatness is not important." I get a little hung up on precision sometimes, and I think that hampers me. I drop far too many projects because they're not "just so."
I do recommend buying a tablet. Although it takes a while for some people to get used to, a tablet, I find, makes drafting maps significantly easier on a computer, and significantly faster.

That said, the first maps I produced professionally were entirely made using a mouse, so it is certainly possible to create a quality end-result with a mouse alone, and if you're keen to get mapping, it's perhaps worth a go. After all, as I note you noted (), neatness isn't essential, it's giving it a go that matters, and if you have no tablet, then the tools at hand may have to do.

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the tutorial, I'll see about making another sometime soon.