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Thread: An as yet un-named island

  1. #1
    Software Dev/Rep Hai-Etlik's Avatar
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    Wip An as yet un-named island

    A little project for fun and to expand on some ideas from previous maps.

    So far I'm working on the ink layers in Inkscape. I'm going to augment it with some watercolourish colour for contrast later. Otherwise, I don't really know where I'm going with this.


  2. #2
    Community Leader Lukc's Avatar
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    This island was discovered by the great explorer of the khazi peoples named Argumbred od Shokta in the year 87 of the Hollow King Mashtbron dun Yabaktey and he named it UR N'ASHTER after the Hollow King's great daughter, the merciless Blood Princess Ashteru din ya M'ashtbrey.

    I couldn't resist, sorry. I like the mountain hatching, but think the hills are maybe a bit too narrow and too obviously divide various river basins.

  3. #3
    Software Dev/Rep Hai-Etlik's Avatar
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    Heh, thanks. I kind of like the spindly, artificial look of the hills. I want to give it something of the flavour of a map drawn by a pre-modern cartographer, without he aid of air photos and surveying.

    Anyway, here's an update with some more hills plus lakes, cities, and roads.


  4. #4
    Guild Novice Big Rob's Avatar
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    Thinking of old maps of the "New World", if you draw it wrong, it will look pre-modern !

  5. #5
    Software Dev/Rep Hai-Etlik's Avatar
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    Colour, texture, and placement of labels. As yet the names are placeholders, I'll make up a language generator to fill them in later.


  6. #6
    Guild Member Gan's Avatar
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    Your colours are simply brilliant. I like it; it would be nice to see a bigger one.

  7. #7
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    Looking good so far.
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  8. #8
    Software Dev/Rep Hai-Etlik's Avatar
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    Thanks, I'll probably do a higher res render in future.

    For now, I'm working on a name generator. This is what I have it spitting out so far:

    Inland Town

    Pȯsīrfang, Bfakī Dvedas, Defātēmvīv, Kingbānggav, Gisashēs, Bhusȯmfang, Behate, Gēdȯz, Dsosi, Tādi, Bāmtumthef, Dsȯpe, Bhadha, Dselhingfang, Da Bfakī, Tāze, Kubānfang, Tākosi, Dinggepa, Damzhe, Kungdho, Dunsingfang, Bnāf, Tnavā, Dīng, Pzhas, Dsuhide, Teshengsif, Pvivi Bfakī, Kuvāngfa Bfakī, Pathofang, Pthusufang, Kȯlgemtesē, Tāfa, Tsefedhē, Pepa, Tnezāshesos, Dhāgam, Gvānfozu, Tsubakin, Gvatir, Dzhedhefang, Dthāntȯl, Gminka, Tirtes, Gēsīv, Dfesēful, Temsembifi, Dozh Bfakī, Gepese

    River Town

    Gzangdhēmbēl, Pathope, Gortharpe, Tāth, Gasha, Debȯfang, Pzhīdhepe, Tirhi, Gdhuzhav, Delbuzāzh, Dvāmpe, Kdhuldēpe, Bhīvefang, Dēmdēr̄fang, Dohim Bfakī, Bmukir̄zāzh, Pzezhisesā Bfakī, Tfȯmvāfang, Tēfazerfe, Pshupe, Pēf, Tmēs, Pasizāzh, Pēshē Bfakī, Gis, Dezer Bfakī, Kzuzhāfang, Pȯhal Bfakī, Bevāzhav, T****ārfang, Pafēm, Tīhēzāzh, Kvēpānpe, Getis, Komzhav, Talgezāzh, Girzāzh, Tvālgēz, Dsaburte Bfakī, Pfibizhav, Gahizhav, Phildē, Tmish, Bsengpāldhur, Dsafape, Tvēr̄vēmgez Bfakī, Tithemsing, Kfus, Tīltēngsis, Ksibȯpe

    Coast Town

    Dhȯr̄ Bzhēpohu, Dshāvathȯ, Tēvengsār, Tetī Bfakī, Gofinfapev, Kvegēlfang, Dhȯr̄ Bānzhinvāl, Ghasozh, Damgīsozh, Dsahufang, Dselzelvīrsesh, Bmedȯdhe, Bāfosȯn, Pizhethos, Tāsusozh, Dhȯr̄ Gvemdhā, Dēshidī, Dzēfasozh, Dvīzē, Dnodhe, Dhȯr̄ Psahazh, Dhȯr̄ Desh, Phizēpā, Bibā, Bungzhofang, Dvideshase Bfakī, Dvis Bfakī, Pīfal, Dīdudhath Dhȯr̄, Kesivīfe, Talbos, Dhȯr̄ Dfopilta, Dihāz Dhȯr̄, Dhȯr̄ Pfombāhāz, Dapom, Gofang, Kvīsi Dhȯr̄, Bfakī Dambērgē, Tisēn, Gage, Bothusozh, Dthefirfang, Dher, Kazēve, Gdha, Phēmsefe Dhȯr̄, Gafēs, Dhȯr̄ Pvābābipo, Gshensesozh, Bhēlgīng

    Delta Town

    Tsīdhīthun, Pfashirsozh, Patathun, Gofeth, Tursozh, Dnohi, Tsothun, Pfisalthun, Pēdhothun, Boduv, Botȯv, Pemdhasozh, Kides, Dmenforsi, Tanfopāsev, Gomkezhav, Dhamthun, Bēfethun, Bshīthēthun, Dēthazh, Bfakī Dvēldatēng, Tovolthun, Tushīthun, Bsivathun, Gdhasa Dhȯr̄, Pvingarthun, Gfodh, Basothun, Gmȯsarfang, Gfefā, Tedhethun, Pvār, Dthothun, Tishasozh, Tīlbethun, Bdhensozh, Tonsozh, Tdhāzerthun, Dupesas, Pētongzhav, Tfizh Dhȯr̄, Dusizhav, Thas Bfakī, Pemdovangsang, Delfīmthun, Dārtīpesif Dhȯr̄, Puvefang, Tvazedhēvus, Tȯpanthun, Pikēthun

    Lake Town

    Ghāngbīshe Pamden, Galgo, Bsemtuv Pamden, Dshā, Pvēnghīvapa Pamden, Pamden Tengsef, Dȯfandhe, Dferbengfang, Tshītal Bfakī, Takā, Kuldhe Pamden, Pamden Dambusoth, Kvīmfang, Pamden Gdhalpise, Dube, Gvȯvīn Pamden, Tenzilsāse, Pdhātȯs Pamden, Dnȯzham, Pēvihibez, Patafang, Bnate, Bupifang, Pamden Pdhoti, Bafe, Tvutēshadi Pamden, Dada, Bȯ, Gzhepīpabov, Tahudā, Gzhumzi, Gukobe, Bufoses, Debath, Kersākim Bfakī, Kīngvervī, Tuthadi, Dnafuzha, Bemdozh Pamden, Dsīkangfang, Bmenshedif, Pzafazusof Bfakī, Bāpē, Bfakī Bosefesar, Dhāshukȯvēf, Tdhāthēfang, Kivobisā, Bthirgē, Tazh, Bāson Pamden

  9. #9
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    looks great and very nice colors you've chosen - the west seems a little empty, but you might have plans for a legends or something there later on ...lot of names to put in *lol*
    regs tilt
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  10. #10
    Software Dev/Rep Hai-Etlik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tilt View Post
    looks great and very nice colors you've chosen - the west seems a little empty, but you might have plans for a legends or something there later on ...lot of names to put in *lol*
    Yes, the sea to the west is going to have some stuff dropped in. The names are going to be inserted automatically. That's why the placeholders in the map say whether they are on the coast, a river, inland, or on a lake, so the generator can give them the appropriate name. I'm far too lazy to paste them all manually.

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