My mother introduced me to 1st Edition D&D when I was about ten (I'm 22 now). Now, my preferred setting is Warhammer Fantasy. I've just begun my first attempt at GMing a few weeks ago and the plan is to meet every Sunday as schedules permit. I've got a small group (4 players, 1 of which is my husband) and I'm running a storyline of my own making. I don't by any means consider myself an architect or cartographer, and my art skills are limited primarily to organically shaped things (ie. people, animals, trees, etc). I can't draw straight lines, boxes, perfect circles, or anything mechanical, sadly. At least, I can't draw those things to my satisfaction.

My husband starting gaming back in the late 80's when he was in high school and for a short while thereafter. He fell out of it when his group split and work demanded more of his time. We got married in 2009 and I pulled him back into the gaming world as a means of giving us a hobby we could do together.

While I enjoy roleplaying as a player, the allure of being the GM, for me at least, stems from my early childhood literature - the Redwall Series by Brian Jacques. The way those adventures read, and played out, and how no two were ever quite alike even though they all took place in the same locations (mostly): that's what really got me hyped about reading/writing and consequently roleplay just seemed a natural extension of that for me.

Sorry for the rant, but thought that might explain a few things. LoL. Anyway, like most GM's (or aspiring ones) I was drawn here by the need for maps that are at least a little better than chicken scratch. I'm hoping to learn the skills necessary for making those maps myself, of course.

For my maps, btw, I used to use Paintshop Pro, but no longer having that program I'm now going to be attempting them in GIMP.