I have to rescan the first sketch, the pencil drawing is not recognizable and somehow PS does not want to change anything with that... Cannot be helped, I guess. So here's some more stuff.

Message #3

»My liege, we have reached the southern settlement almost as planned. I am afraid that I have to inform you that all of its inhabitants are dead. They have been so for a long time, we only found skeletal remains. While some of the expedition inquired to leave things be and simply go on with the mapping, I insisted that the matter is looked into, since these islands and everything on them are my liege's assets.

I ordered Sir Brynwick and his team to continue with the mapping whilst the rest of us do research on the events that took place here. We will especially try to find out how the people died, and if that is connected to either or both of the magical beast I mentioned or the stone pillar found at the eastern edge of the settlement.
Viro just mentioned that the amount of bones found might easily exceed the number of people noted on the old map.

Brynwick estimates the conclusion of my liege's first new map within four to five days, afterwards we will continue to the island south of here.

Best regards,
Shinon Leoman«