Quote Originally Posted by Simon33600 View Post
That sounds like a cool project!

Here, I throw you a quick map together over the evening. It's a quick first draft and is pretty rough. I still have to add the shadows, for starter. And the magic circles need work (I am also not crazy about the background). If you don't mind, I'd like to also post it over in the battlemap section of the forums to have more people commenting on it and giving me advices...

Sky island-battlemap.gif

Basically, the starting areas are in green on both ships.
There are also teleporters on each ship, keyed to the one of the same colour at both ends of the island...
Finally, at the center of the structure on the island is a red square. I imagined that the player starting his turn on this square would get the opportunity to throw magic projectiles, or gain a bonus to his magic attacks if he already is a spellcaster. Alternatively, it could just score points every turn for the team holding it and the team with the most points at the end wins the game...

Anyway, I'd be happy if you let me know what you think of it...
This is really cool idea, the ships pull up to the dock and fight over the land mass, I love it.

It's starting to make me think of the notions of the PVP maps of Warhammer online, they had some neat mechanics that could easily be borrowed for a map like this.

Please deff continue in this vein.