wow...this sounds like an awesome project. I was going to go to bed but got caught up in this, heh.

One question...where is everyone coming from? There's been mention of runaways and such but I was curious about the origins. Are people leaving for the 'promised land'? Escaping financial hardship in the hope of a better future? Escaping governmental/social restrictions? All of the above? Large-scale exoduses, such as the pilgrims, were to get where religious persecutions would not apply, or for some promise of the Gold Rush or settlers on the Oregon Trail. I bring this up because knowing the mind-set of where we'd come from would influence how we interact with the world...and said elves and dwarves.

Of course, I could be over-thinking this

Here's my entry:

Anya Vanyer, apothecary/physicker, age 26


Dearest Sister, I have arrived at my new home. It is both an exciting and terrifying place. When I recall riding 'to the country' to attend to a wound or an illness, I laugh at myself. Truly...there is nothing here but country and wilderness. I can't say I've ever been so far from a town, village or city. It is...vast. So much so, I'm heartily glad I brought as much equipment as I did, as there is none to be found here. And it will be a long while before I could receive more.

I'm torn between fear of the knowledge that I am far outside my experiences and excitement in wanting to explore the area. Ah, the plants, many I have never seen. I've poured over my herbal lore and while there are quite a few that will be very useful, there are dozens more I will have to research. I can only hope I will be of help. They have precious few people with more than basic physicking. If I'm to be of any use, I must set up preparations as soon as possible.

There are a few places where I believe the seedlings will prosper. I can only plant a portion...should they falter I'll have to find some other location. The soil here is quite different in ways I've yet to determine and I cannot afford to lose all of them. The distilling equipment largely came through, though you should have heard the grumblings about the number of crates. Well, they were well-paid and when fevers strike, or if anyone is wounded, they might sing a different tune.

As I was saying...about half the equipment survived the trek, which is better than I hoped. If all goes well, I will have a respectable lot of tinctures, salves, potions and whatnot to lay in for the winter. I have to know I would ramble all day and I know you don't have a jot of interest in my craft.

But, you do know people. These here are quite outside of what we are used to. They are not the lords the live comfortably, nor are they the masses I've often treated. They are quite...what is the word? Resilient. Resourceful. With a hard practicality that I suspect might be brutal, at times. Unlike Lord Horesy, I think that if I said I could not help, it just might be acknowledged, if not accepted. No whining or sending for the guards in a fit of pique. And that just makes me want to work harder. And everyone works very hard, here.

Ah, my parchment is almost full. I daresay I am Romanticizing a bit. But, for now I am content and hopeful. I will try to write again, soon. And I hope to hear from you, for I do miss you all sorely, especially during these so-quiet nights.