And Fractal Terrains is a bit crude when creating a world from scratch, which is annoying. The amount of knowledge that would go into creating a truly realistic world would be staggering. Even taking Earth and altering it a bit, say making the Sahara green rather than desert would have affects that we simply do not know about. It would affect tropical storms/hurricanes on the east coast of the US, potentially diminish them, but what else might it do? Would southern Europe grow cooler? for instance.

In the case of the world I am creating, there is way more land at and near the equator than Earth... how would this affect the evaporation and moisture carried by the ITCZ? Could it have massive effect on the climate of the world? You bet. Greater % of land overall and much more in the southern hemisphere? all things that would mess with untold things. I have finally put in enough study to be able to make guesses that will undoubtedly be incorrect, and yet, they should more less be a potential reality or at least close enough to make it real to casual observation.