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Thread: Independent New York

  1. #1

    Default Independent New York

    Map of an Independent New York

    New York Map.png

    An alternate history map I spent the last 3 weeks making. I used Photoshop entirely, as well as some inspiration from real atlases and cartographers online. If I would have had to guess, overall, 6 hours were spent making this map. For any other pieces of information about how I made it, feel free to ask. Now, an explanation of this alternate reality.

    In 1882, the Farmer's Party, a populist political party led by Thomas E. Watson (A well known populist, anti-Semite, racist politician from the day) took the US House of Representatives, and many state legislatures out west. The party implemented disastrous policies out west, with its "Farmer's First" policy causing a disaster for the East coast. Farmers as a result of this policy kept their crops, with many refusing to sell their crops to major eastern cities like New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or Chicago. President Arthur was as a result forced to send Federal troops to the west to force farmers to hand over their crops to prevent a shortage of foot out east. While successful at first, a Farmer's Strike led to almost no crops being produced in 1883, and by the end of that year, the Solstice Revolt broke out. The Solstice Revolt led to rebellions in many major cities across the east coast, the most famous being the Manhattan Commune and Boston Commune. The Manhattan Commune lasted for nearly a year until it was put down. Among those involved in the Manhattan Commune were Theodore Roosevelt, who's wife was killed during the early months by Farmer's Party henchmen.

    For the next ten years, the Federal government continued to go into decline as the Farmer's Party took more power. A sort of guerrilla war rages in Appalachia between Federal forces and rebels in West Virginia and Pennsylvania, who were widely affected by the famines, and oppose the Farmer's Party. In 1888, the Farmer's Party defeats President Cleveland for the Presidency by placing James Weaver as President, and Watson as Vice President. In 1890, Weaver is assassinated, placing Watson in office. Opposition to the Federal government explodes across the country as protests break out in major cities, particularly in the northeast. In 1891, the Third Continental Congress is founded in secret in New York City, with a meeting of representatives from New York, New England, Texas, and other secessionist movements across the United States. Theodore Roosevelt and Archibald Gracie during the first meetings are determined to be the leaders of the movement, Gracie to lead as President of the Continental Congress, and Roosevelt as the commander of the Continental Army. By early 1892, an ultimatum is sent to Watson, demanding his resignation. He sends the Army to put down the Congress, sparing the War of Independence.

    For two years in the northeast, the War of Independence wages in the Hudson River Valley. It isn't until late 1893 that Roosevelt launches a massive offensive into New Jersey that the war goes favorably for the Congress. In early 1894, news comes that France and Spain will assist the United States in putting down the rebellion. This is countered by British and German (And later Italian and Ottoman) assistance to the Continental Congress. The Franco-American force launches a massive offensive in the Summer of 1895 into the Catskill mountains, which reaches the Hudson River and the Adirondack Mountains to the north. The offensive is halted in December 1895, and is turned back in February 1896. Roosevelt, and Colonel John Jacob Astor push back the Franco-American forces to the Susquehanna River within a month, forcing the United States to the peace table in July 1896. The Treaty of Allentown is signed (Being symbolic of New York and New England's farthest extent into American territory), forcing the United States to recognize New English, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire independence, and Maine's annexation into Canada. This inspires other rebellions, which would bog the United States down until 1905, seeing California, Texas, Arizona, Deseret, and Florida becoming independent nations. Watson cancels the 1896 elections, only to be overthrown in 1901 by William McKinley, who is shot later that year. The military takes over in 1903 in he US.

    In New York in 1896, following independence, a Presidential election is held, and the Confederation of New York is officially established. Theodore Roosevelt wins unanimously and becomes the 1st President of New York. His first term is dominated by debates over the style of government, and the location of the capital. Theodore Roosevelt suggests New York City be the capital, and a bicameral legislature like the old United States be formed. Others disagree, and demand Albany remain the capital, and a unicameral legislature be set up. In 1898, the Gracie Compromise is signed, setting up the government in New York City, but creating a unicameral legislature. Roosevelt is re-elected in 1900, and begins to align with the Anglo-German alliance in Europe. Roosevelt's Presidency ends in 1905 after John Jacob Astor is elected. Astor presides over New York's rise in economic and military dominance over many of the former Northeastern countries in North America. In 1908, President Astor signs the Anglo-New York Cooperation Treaty, which ensures New York's support for British interests. The New York-German Treaty of Friendship is signed in 1909, further bringing New York into the "Grand Alliance". In 1911, a summit for the Grand Alliance is held in London, where Italy, Germany, New York, New England, New Hampshire, Vermont, Great Britain, the Ottoman Empire. It creates an alliance which lasts to the modern day.

    In April 1912, the April Crisis takes place. President Astor begins his return journey to New York from London in April 1912 on the Titanic. The ship sinks in the North Atlantic, leaving the President dead, and his pregnant wife a widow. The loss of life is tragic, and many initially accuse the United States and France for sinking the Titanic. President Archibald Gracie (Who succeeded Astor) threatens war, but when enough eyewitnesses claim that it was an iceberg, tensions return to normal by June 1912. Gracie leads the country until his death that December. Martin Glynn serves as President of New York for the next 8 years. His Presidency sees the Great War begin in Europe in 1914 during the French invasion of Germany. In 1915, the United States invades New York, dragging New York and New England into the war. In 1916, after a series of massive victories in the Catskills and the Hudson River Valley, as well as at sea, the United States is pushed out of much of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. In 1919, the United States suffers a massive internal revolt in Washington D.C., destroying much of the city as New York and Grand Alliance troops move into the area. The United States surrenders, giving up all of New Jersey (Northern New Jersey is annexed by New York, Southern Jersey becomes a protectorate of New York), and Delmarva. Pennsylvania is turned into a demilitarized zone, and reparations are to be paid to New York.

    This is the map of the current situation in 1920. To come, the Interwar Years, the Great Crusade, the relocation of the Vatican to Queens, the Second Great War, the Cold War, and the Revolution of 2011.

  2. #2
    Professional Artist Guild Donor Sapiento's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Salzburg, Austria


    Cool timeline and great map!

  3. #3


    Thanks. It took be quite a bit to complete it.

  4. #4


    Very nicely done!


  5. #5


    Thanks. I'm working on a few other maps in that style right now.

  6. #6


    very good thank you

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