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Thread: Old Fantasy campaign map

  1. #1

    Map Old Fantasy campaign map

    I thought I'd share a map for an unnamed continent that I made for a 3rd Ed campaign a number of years ago. I thought it came out pretty decent. It's hand-drawn and colored with colored pencils, although the political boundaries and names were added in MSPaint.

    Whenever I create a world, I like to design it with some continental drift in mind, to give it some "geographic credibility". I'd like the person looking at it to think that it could have come apart from a Pangea-like landmass.


  2. #2


    Nice. This takes me back to my pre-Guild when I did all my own maps by hand, often using colored pencils.


  3. #3
    Guild Adept
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    The world inside my head.


    And the next thing you know you own a tablet and are going nuts over how to justify spending yet more money on high end software, LOL.

    Quote Originally Posted by arsheesh View Post
    Nice. This takes me back to my pre-Guild when I did all my own maps by hand, often using colored pencils.

    Upon the Creation of the World the First Dragons cast their seed in the light of a Sun and a Thousand Suns, beneath the Moon and a Thousand Moons, on a World and a Thousand Worlds.

  4. #4


    Indeed. I got a Wacom and I enjoy it a lot, although I am still not used to the "disconnect" of distance between my hand the the screen. I often hand draw a base illustration, scan it into a file and use that as a basis for the tablet use. If I get the money, I might have to go for the touchscreen tablet, where you draw right on the tablet itself.

  5. #5


    Nice map. I'm currently battling with my own tablet too.^^

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