i can see directly the andes and the sea next to it are nearly the same shade of color grey. This is impossible, i'm sorry to say but this won't work.

the edges of the rings are contrast with the supossedly higher area which lowers for a bit and poof it's high again. This wouldn't work. I appreciate the work, i really do, but this is not what i'm looking for, kind of bummed i have to say it.

But well, i need a solution for the problem and this isn't it so the topic isn't solved


In the picture above the himalaya and andes are clearly visible white, this means they are very high, ever so slightly the colors turn to black indicating it's lower. But the sea is used as bottom in this heightmap and doesn't account for the ocean floor. In the ETOPO1 they are both in the same image, but i can't use the color scheme. I have to proces it with software which only takes greyshades heightmaps. -it's non optional i use this software-

so i'm sorry to say that image won't work. I really appreciate the work you've put in, unfortunattely it's not what i'm looking for. i'm sorry to say.