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Thread: Fantasy Novels - Personal Use - General Continent - Detailed Region

  1. #1

    Default Fantasy Novels - Personal Use - General Continent - Detailed Region

    This is a rather open-ended project.
    I am currently working on a fantasy novel which I plan to turn into a series, and I am in need of a continent. As I am a perfectionist with absolutely zero artistic abilities, even after trying to use FT and CCW, I am unable to refine my story without a map. I have everything I need to write the story except a map. The overall story is flexible enough that I can easily mold it to whatever terrain I receive with a few considerations.

    [Continent Overview]
    -One landmass, whether polar (as in the Belgariad maps) or surrounded by oceans. The general shape and position of the continent is up to you.
    -The continent, or continents if connected by a reasonable strip of passable land, must have around 6-10 'sections' to serve as Kingdoms/Empires/Etc. Relative size of these kingdoms is flexible, as my first installment focuses only on one kingdom.
    -The regions must be separated by some natural means, such as rivers, mountain ranges, etc. I'm looking for plausibility more than contrivance, so please no Mordor Mountain Enclosures.
    -Outside of the major boundaries defining each kingdom's territory, no detail is needed in any of the kingdoms save for the one I am working on. A simple line of demarcation, slight-shading of the area, and a label is sufficient.

    [Important Region]
    The region which I am making use of must have a certain degree of detail. This map is not meant to be printed or distributed commercially; it is for my own reference in finalizing my story, and therefore doesn't need to be perfect. Something simple like this (for only the one region) is what I'm looking for:


    I do not mean to insult the artist of that map by using the word 'simple'; it is beautiful. What I mean to say is, I can see hills, mountains, lakes, rivers, forests, and the ocean shoreline. That's all I really need to start with. I have a number of towns, cities, and landmarks to add in, and I need a certain amount of detailed natural features to do that.
    -There will be a few details that I would like to be incorporated, but most of it is up to your imagination.

    [Details of the Project]
    Here's what I'm looking for:
    -Dimensions: For the focused image of my important region, I'd say around 1500x1500, depending on shape. I'm flexible with this, as long as I can make out details. This is for personal use only, so I'm more than willing to compromise.
    -Scale: The region I will be working with is approximately 50k square miles. It will be somewhat smaller than most of the other regions. This isn't the only continent on the planet, so don't be concerned over the relative smallness of it.
    -Sketch out 3-10 or so possible continents with very, very general landmarks to denote regions. I must emphasize general here...I'm talking quick sketches you can do in MS Paint in under 2 minutes. This step will allow me to select an outline I am happy with.


    If your sketch is too much more detailed than that, you tried too hard. To start with I really just want to pick an overview that looks like I can work with it, so be fast, loose, and creative. Feel free to have a few land-locked regions if you wish. Add some offshore island nations if you want.
    -After I select an outline, I will specify the region I want to focus on. As mentioned above, I need a focused image of the region with enough surrounding space to denote neighboring regions. If you want to create a huge image of the whole continent, then zoom into my region to do your detailed work, that's awesome, but not required. Whatever works for you.
    -You will create the region I am interested in. I have a few minor details for you to implement, but mostly it's up to you. At this point you will create the mountains, rivers, lakes, etc.
    -I will need a scale of some sort so that I can properly place man-made landmarks.
    -After receiving your nearly-completed image, I will return a copy of that image with markings indicating towns/cities/roads, as well as their labels. This will be done horribly in PS, and you will be free to make fun of my lack of skill with this program. There will be a fair number of towns/cities/etc, probably around 30-50. This isn't common with most maps, but since I am using this to fill in locations within the story, I need a bit more detail. You can use whatever style (within reason) you choose in marking the cities/towns, as long as they are distinguishable from each other. We'll work out the details.

    [More Details]
    -Use whatever format works for you, as long as I can open it in PS/Paint to make notes.
    -Time frame: I would prefer to get a workable first draft within a week or so in order to finalize the details of my novel. There is no hard limit, but the sooner I get something I can use, the better. Let's set a hard limit of 1 month.
    -Copy-write: I will have the right to use the image for commercial purposes, the artist will have the right to exhibit the image as part of his portfolio but not to exploit it for commercial gain. I do not plan on using this map for the commercial version of my novel, it's really just for reference.
    -I probably made this sound more complicated that it really is. I have everything but a map and a few details that will come from it. You will create me a map with a small amount of continuing input from me. I will be quick in answering any concerns you have, and I will not needlessly bog you down with minor details or corrections. I am very flexible with this project, and will do my best to work with you to make it as painless as possible.
    -I plan on releasing this novel as an e-reader and then moving onto print. If I am successful in doing so, I will offer you first priority in completing other regions as needed at a similar price. Should you decline or be unreachable, I reserve the right to ask another artist to complete the other regions as needed using your work as a general guideline. They will not be permitted to use your work within their own.

    -Price: $100 via Paypal for a general continent overview and a focus on one region per my guidelines.

    josh.athy at gmail dot com
    Please feel free to post/email me links to your previous works. Also feel free to request clarification on anything. I'm sure I glossed over an important detail or two.

  2. #2
    Guild Journeyer LindaJeanne's Avatar
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    On a small world west of wonder


    Hi! Does my work-in-progress on the Lite Chalenge thread look like it could be made to work?

    Scroll all the way to the bottom to see the latest version that I've posted. I've done some other work on locating biomes and kingdom boundaries that I haven't posted on the thread yet. I'll have some time this weekend to work on finishing it up and making whatever adjustments are needed.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by LindaJeanne View Post
    Hi! Does my work-in-progress on the Lite Chalenge thread look like it could be made to work?

    Scroll all the way to the bottom to see the latest version that I've posted. I've done some other work on locating biomes and kingdom boundaries that I haven't posted on the thread yet. I'll have some time this weekend to work on finishing it up and making whatever adjustments are needed.
    That's a pretty nice map, but it's not quite the style I'm looking for. I'm not too familiar with map styles, but it reminds me a bit of a meteorological map. It's nicely done, but not quite what I'm after. If you have any other styles, feel free to post links.

  4. #4
    Guild Master Chashio's Avatar
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    A couple of questions for you.

    The scale: (-Scale: The region I will be working with is approximately 50k square miles. It will be somewhat smaller than most of the other regions. This isn't the only continent on the planet, so don't be concerned over the relative smallness of it.) Is the planet size similar to Earth (just curious, and it has a bit to do with my second question)? You also mention 1500x1500 for the regional map dimensions, depending on shape. For your novel, is the actual kingdom/region basically square-ish (as in, not like Chile)?

    The climate: Is this similar to Earth? Or rather, how much of the continent do you want frozen, and do you need any tropical areas?

    I'm willing to fit the style to your needs, but if you care to view some of my past work see the link below.
    Kaitlin Gray - Art, Maps, Etc | Patreon | Instagram

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Chashio View Post
    A couple of questions for you.

    The scale: (-Scale: The region I will be working with is approximately 50k square miles. It will be somewhat smaller than most of the other regions. This isn't the only continent on the planet, so don't be concerned over the relative smallness of it.) Is the planet size similar to Earth (just curious, and it has a bit to do with my second question)? You also mention 1500x1500 for the regional map dimensions, depending on shape. For your novel, is the actual kingdom/region basically square-ish (as in, not like Chile)?

    The climate: Is this similar to Earth? Or rather, how much of the continent do you want frozen, and do you need any tropical areas?

    I'm willing to fit the style to your needs, but if you care to view some of my past work see the link below.
    I like your style with the first two maps you have in your portfolio.

    The planet is somewhat smaller than Earth, I'd estimate it to be around 14k-18k miles in circumference.

    The shape of the region, as well as the continent, is up to you. The region can be shaped like Colorado or Chile or anything in between, as long as it is determined by natural features that seem plausible. A mountain range might be the western and northern borders, with a river from that range flowing to the sea, making the eastern border. That's just an example, so feel free to play with it. I don't have too much in terms of specifics in mind concerning geography. I have a generalized plot, detailed characters and backstory. Create me a world, and I'll use it to fill in the details.

    The size dimension is mostly so I can zoom in, place towns/landmarks, and plot out travel itineraries without a pixellated mess. Consider this example map I found with a random search:


    Image that's my region that you made for me. At the level of detail there, I could probably just barely place my towns/cities/major roads, but it might be cramped. It's hard to describe what I'm looking for, but I'd like something a bit bigger/more expansive than that image.
    As far as climate: My region will be mostly farmland, some pastures/hilly plains, and a few not-too-huge forests. The rest of the world isn't important, but I understand that the climate of my region will depend on it's location on the planet. As far as frozen/tropical/deserts, whatever you come up with at this point as fine, as long as there is a likely place on the continent for a region with the attributes I described. This particular book takes place solely within this one region, so aside from some details that don't concern the map, at this point I'm not too concerned with the rest of the world.

    If you want to plan out the entire continent, then that's perfectly fine. Any sequels are probably at least 6 months to 1 year away from being worked on, so I'll worry about the next region(s) when the time comes. $100 isn't much, so outside of my region, any extra detail you put in regarding the rest of the world is your decision based on how much you think $100 covers.

    I welcome any other questions or concerns.

  6. #6
    Guild Master Chashio's Avatar
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    Well, here's an idea... in rough sketchbook form. There are multiple possibilities for your small region, and the scale is scale-able (I might have gotten carried away). It's situated on a pole (think antarctic ice shelf for the surrounding area), and it stretches nearly to the equator; approximately 2200x5000 mile dimensions (I assumed 16k mile circumference) to give a full range of climates... if that's of interest. Anyhoo... I can create more choices if you'd like. Likely on the computer, which I didn't have access to this evening.

    the continent 1.jpg
    Kaitlin Gray - Art, Maps, Etc | Patreon | Instagram

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Chashio View Post
    Well, here's an idea... in rough sketchbook form. There are multiple possibilities for your small region, and the scale is scale-able (I might have gotten carried away). It's situated on a pole (think antarctic ice shelf for the surrounding area), and it stretches nearly to the equator; approximately 2200x5000 mile dimensions (I assumed 16k mile circumference) to give a full range of climates... if that's of interest. Anyhoo... I can create more choices if you'd like. Likely on the computer, which I didn't have access to this evening.

    the continent 1.jpg
    Generally I like it, and even with that simple mockup I can think of some decent possibilities. I'd only have one or two minor changes just due to personal style, but overall I like what I see. Would you be willing to email me so we can discuss a few more details? josh.athy at gmail dot com

    I was worried that maybe I wasn't clear in my post as to what I wanted, as I received emails from a few interested parties who were a bit confused that I don't have a map or even an idea of what I want it to look like. They were all more than professional, but I think my lack of details was off-putting. I'm not just looking for a cartographer, but also a sort of world builder, terrain-wise. Plus I have little-to-no idea what is involved in making a decent map, so I probably had a few notions that were just plain odd.

  8. #8
    Guild Master Chashio's Avatar
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    Yeah, I had to read it through a couple of times, myself. No biggie. I'll send an email. =)
    Kaitlin Gray - Art, Maps, Etc | Patreon | Instagram

  9. #9


    This project has been taken. Thank you to all who expressed interest.

  10. #10

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