Great map.
My only concern is that the grid might be difficult to see, depending what you are planning to use the map for... It's definitivelly a good job. What did you do the map with?
Inspired by this one shot adventure from SJGames forum (, I decided to redo the map there and acomodated it to my version of the adventure.
The background is mostly on the adventure that I linked.
I am doing adaptations but the layout is the same. Is the tomb of an "barbarian" king that wrecked havoc some centuries ago. His source of power comes from a "demon prince" by the Mirror of the Fire Demon (object of my previous adventure). Crevan was only killed after be betrayed by his loved one and was attack fom behind by a poisonspear (the one on the right sealed chamber).
The dead bodyes are from previous adventures and a pair of "holy knights". What killed them? The damaging psionic waves from a skull hidden on the chamber on left (in the case of the rusted skeletons), poison from mushrons (the archer), and undead servitors (draugrs) friom the sealed chamber.
Here is version 1.2.
Last edited by Mateus090985; 09-19-2012 at 11:15 PM.
Great map.
My only concern is that the grid might be difficult to see, depending what you are planning to use the map for... It's definitivelly a good job. What did you do the map with?
Thank you. It is not the final version. I am still seeing what to do with the grid. The map was done using Dungeon Designer, an add on of Campaing Cartographer 3 from ProFantasy. I also used some symbols from this forum, Dungini and CASUAC.
Nice easy to use battle map. I would like to see it without any gridfor ease of use in a VTT.
I think the stairs down in the tower might a little something to show a bit better the start and end easier, perhaps a touch of shading? Not sure.
We do not stop playing because we grow old.
We grow old because we stop playing.
Thank you for your words. I appreciated that you is liking the map. I will post the final version with and without the grid.
About the stairs I tryed something in the version 1.3. It is finishing to render.
EDIT: Actually I already have a 1.4 version but 1.3 is still rendering... I had input the wrong resolution and it is taking ages =).
Last edited by Mateus090985; 09-19-2012 at 02:15 PM.
Version 1.4 is here. It is the final version in my opinon. The 1.5 would see the light only to correct errors (if there is any), maybe change effects a bit and to include suggestions.
Final Rest of Crevan Brokenhand
1 - Stairway Entry
2 - Access Corridor
3 - Antechamber
4 - Main Chamber
5 - Huscarlr's Rest
6 - Temple
7 - Crevan's Tribute
8 - Crevan's Cript
9 - Secret Chamber
Last edited by Mateus090985; 09-19-2012 at 11:15 PM.
Hey that turned out great Mateus! Excellent work. You don't see too many hex grid dungeon maps, but I've always like the hex grid system better than the traditional square grid.
Nice map. I prefer square grids for dungeons myself, but hey, it's whatever you're used to.
Have you tried exporting the map to PS or GIMP, creating your grid as a pattern, then creating a new pattern fill layer using the grid with a multiply blend mode, inverting it and painting it on only the room floors? You can mess about with the opacity and stuff to achieve the level of visibility you want if you use this method. Great 'trick' I picked up from Butch Curry's Fantasy Cartography tutorials.