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Thread: My First Map : )

  1. #1

    Question My First Map : )

    Well this is my first map the "Isle of Ulin" which i'm pretty happy with, but it still doesn't look finished or something... :I Could someone give me some pointers on what I could have done (or can do) to make this better? That'll be all : )

    Isle of Ulin.png

  2. #2


    Someone? I really don't think this looks right and I have decided it's because of the mountains. Could someone give me some pointers or feedback? Would be much appreciated!

  3. #3
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    Many of us are old and have early bedtimes (and/or live in Europe). I would say that the biggest readon that it looks odd is that your mountains are single, straight strokes. Real mountains have a more dendritic pattern that has little segments that don't align, but are end-to-end.

    You don't have a scale on the map, so it's hard to say exactly how the mountains should appear, but that style is generally fairly local. I really recommend paying a visit to Google Maps and entering terms like "Alps", "Rocky Mountains", "Andes", "Himalaya", or even "Panamint Range". Those are all good examples of mountain ranges that have a nice, visible structure.

  4. #4
    Guild Expert jbgibson's Avatar
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    It looks pretty good to me. Few comments maybe because there isn't much wrong with it? Maybe your unease is a scale mismatch, between what you built and what you wanted? How big's it supposed to be? For me the level of mountain detail suggests the island is maybe 15 to 50 miles across. You could make it look smaller scale by giving the ridge line network more branches and crinkles.

    Thanks for the map right in the first post - we appreciate willing participators.
    Last edited by jbgibson; 10-15-2012 at 02:42 AM. Reason: I.e. what waldronate said :).

  5. #5


    I would say that the biggest readon that it looks odd is that your mountains are single, straight strokes. Real mountains have a more dendritic pattern that has little segments that don't align, but are end-to-end.
    Ahhh, I would say this is the reason! Next map i'll try maybe a more scattered brush for my mountains and not so strait. Thanks for the enlightening! Much appreciated. For the record the map is meant to be a country rather than a small island :I (New Zealand size I guess haha). Well for a first time attempt I'm fairly happy and i'll only learn from my mistakes :I
    PS- I never even thought of looking at real maps to get some perspective on what my stuff should look like! Will definetly remember to do this!

  6. #6
    Guild Apprentice Wirelizard's Avatar
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    Over on Google Maps, turn on the "Terrain" layer in Map view (it's in the dropdown on the top right corner of the map view). That'll give you a beautifully shaded topo-map view, with contour lines visible if you zoom in close enough. A great help for figuring out what a map like yours could look like.

  7. #7
    Guild Novice Ker'ion's Avatar
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    From a personal viewpoint, your rivers seem awfully smooth and of even thickness.
    Especially for a good sized island nation.

    I'd think they should be of slightly varied thickness to differentiate stronger currents, larger and smaller rivers, etc, as well as having river deltas at their mouths.

    Though I'm not trying to come off harshly, you seem to be looking for anything people consider uncommon to a map.
    If I came off as abrasive, I apologize.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Ker'ion View Post
    Though I'm not trying to come off harshly, you seem to be looking for anything people consider uncommon to a map.
    If I came off as abrasive, I apologize.
    Not at all, I want all the advice I can get :I The more advice, the better my maps!

  9. #9
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    The high point of your map, from my perspective, is the edging of your land masses. It's very crisp and sharp. It really makes the land masses stand out from the water.

    The color of the water is OK. I like it, but it strikes me as a bit bland. Perhaps I should say, instead, that the water needs something. A key would help, perhaps a border. Maybe even a sea monster or two. Something, to help break up the mass of the space that you are using for water on this map. The eye needs some eye candy to help it to absorb and swallow all of that water.

    Your mountains do an injustice to your map. They are too straight and short. There's only one mountain range that I like, at all, and that's the one on the large land mass, just above that singular mountain with snow on it. The other mountain ranges have no saving grace about them.

    My eye keeps getting drawn back to the edging. Very crisp, indeed! I like that. The overall color scheme of the map doesn't hurt my eye. What the map lacks are points of interest - details. The details are what will breathe life into this map of yours.

  10. #10
    Guild Journeyer Guild Sponsor
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    I just came across this map

    it looks great for your first map!

    I would say that the mountains look a little too different from the rest of the map, them seem to really stick out from afar

    the texture of the ocean is nice, but you should change the colors up in the ocean...try to give it some life

    I do like the way the coastal lines look, and your color palette.

    I think whats really missing is a compass, a border and some labels.
    I don't know what you're using this for, or if you need or want those things but that's what i think is really missing from this map

    Overall job well done!

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