This thread is in the right secction?
Lands of Fagacea will be my first map, but i just started to draw and got some doubts that is making me stop and not think it nice.
As soon i get new solutions i will updating here about this map.
First big change in the shape. The area north from Tristania got a connection with the North Pole. Wanted get a "epic" ship cross between the ice for one of the Larcenia Expeditions getting oil and sending to Valdorn. Trying to get better visual after find a new style to finish shape forms.
Historic of the thread
Let me show my problens:
I am using Photoshop for this map.
[CHANGED]The Map (Updated nov, 26, 2112)
Followed to create a big map using as reference of small maps of 2400x1800 px, can edit the big map with new dimensions for a more or less detailed map[FIXED]Resolution:
nov, 26: Still dont know how to define the resolution, my map got so huge!
I followed the instructions in[award-winner]-bitmapped-images-technical-side-things-explained.html and used 1280x 1024 in beggin, but after the progress map got much more bigger.
Now i dont know if this map need to follow a standard or something
So i lost the resolution of all my brushesmaking me use they as 30~45 px
Getting better resolution and reducing the File size
I Created a standard re-drawing my icons following a standard of dimensions, like using 20 px for trees, 35 for towns and montains. Drawing with small dimensions help to not lost the resolution when i use it bigger.[FIXED]Bigger is in the original size, after scanner and make the vectors, and the small is the 30 px
Is it normal? i am felling something wrong and need orientation![]()
I saw some ppl using this feature in GIMP very well but still not found a way in Photoshop, so i give up to try and started use it manualy[ABORTED]The other question is about brushes, i tried find something it here, but i gues it is so specific that is making hard to find one thread saying about. I will show my montains, looks like one is one montain over the other and not one covering the other. I want that one montain hide the lines of the other montain, is it possible?
thank you
Next Steps:
[Done] [Done] [Done] [Done] Fix the rivers [Done] Getting lines via Off set to do customized coast lines or to expand some elements
[Done] Getting customizer border lines, using dashed lines of different types
Revised Maps
Last edited by aquarits; 01-29-2014 at 06:20 AM. Reason: Historic Updates and Shape Changes
This thread is in the right secction?
Well unfortunately I don't have much experience with this technique and so can't really offer you advice on it. However, as to the section, you would probably do better to place this in the "How do I" section.
I can't talk too much about the technical resolution side, seeing as I'm hardly an expert. About the map itself, I think you're off to a good start! I like the general shape of the landmasses, and the icons for the towns, trees, etc. look quite nice in my opinion. I look forward to see what you come up with next, keep it up!
Ok, i am afraid about the resolution coz maps ins looking so bigger, and thinking that it will make everthing small when u see the whole map.
About the brushes i will try draw small and big groups of the sets, like a group of montains and trees and it will made a low frequence of covering. Problem is that i only can scanner my drawings monday in my jodand holydays in Brazil
Ok just finished the north side and WOW!! How is hard to make a nice coast line... i have a lots to improve.
I need edit point by point of my patch? Or have a simple way to do it?
I am in the point that i need some help and advices. After i finish all the shape, map got HUGE. I still drawing, and probly will finish with this resolution, in the end i will get a detailed map of the entire world.
May i let to the end to change the resolution and rebuild the map with less details?
I fell the progress of the lines and the draw, i am very happy with all worki am waitting for some comments.
Attachment 50248*Attachment 50249*Attachment 50250*Attachment 50251
Last edited by aquarits; 11-26-2012 at 02:58 PM.
Very beautifully done ^.^
That is looking really good. As for the resolution -- how will you use the map? If it is to be printed out, what size paper ?
When you say it got bigger, do you mean the dimensions, so many pixels by so many pixels, or do you mean the size of your PS file on disk?