Welcome Back!
I have an old account on this website but I figured now that I'm going to be taking map-making a little more seriously it might be time for a proper account (the old one also had a terrible username).
I've made three world maps in the past. The first was created using Ascension's "Making a continent in Photoshop" tutorial and it turned out looking quite similar to the one in the tutorial. I made the second and third maps using the Saderan tutorial. The second one turned out looking a little ugly as I have no artistic flair at all (I struggled a lot with the parts of the tutorial that relied on intuition and drawing skills rather than following direct instructions). For the third map, I changed/ignored a few steps in the tutorial to create a safe but slightly uninspiring map (which I have attached below*).
I'm here now to (hopefully) learn how to develop the map-making skills that I lack and ultimately improve.
Seeing as this is an introduction thread, here's a bit about me: I live in Australia and follow both the AFL and the NHL (when it isn't in lockout!!). I love writing, playing and recording music. I play in a couple of bands and teach piano. I'm hoping to spend six months working in North America, at both a summer camp in the USA and in Canada (hopefully at a ski resort). My favourite television shows are Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Breaking Bad and Samurai Champloo.
Thanks for having me :)
*attachment didn't work, so I've uploaded it to Google Drive instead. You can download it here.
Last edited by Talamak; 08-05-2017 at 02:59 AM. Reason: Attachment didn't work properly.
Welcome Back!
Yes, welcome back Talamak!
Welcome! Yeah, 23 Mb will fail - the board has an upload limit of 4mb/file.
Nice looking start on the map, though it has a bit much of the "fill a rectangle" look to it. Does it please YOU? That's the main criterion for success.
Thanks for the welcome everyone!
Good to know, thanks for that.
Thanks for checking it out! I agree with the rectangular look comment. I think that may be because of the islands in the top left corner. I would have preferred to place them a lot further out than the main continents but it would have created a lot of unnecessary space on the map (akin to if you decided to include the Pacific Ocean in a map of the United States so you could include Hawaii), so I just moved them there. The shape of the continents themselves seem oddly rectangular too - definitely something I hadn't really noticed until you pointed it out.
In comparison to my previous maps, this one is a lot less rectangular and it looks a lot more professional (compared to my old ones, anyway), so I'm satisfied with it. There are a ton of things I wish to improve on though. Thanks for your criticism :)