Thanks for the kind comments guys
In a little side note before the climate zone work, I had to work out the physical properties of my world today. Specifically looking at gravity and density, there is a wonderful resource here Planet Designer which can help you find Gravity, geosynch orbit and Roche limit. I was aware I had done some guesswork regarding planetary density to fake the reduced gravity of my world, but I got the urge to understand more last night and see whether it was possible!
Here is a readout for Mars (the nearest in terms of size to my planet)
As I could not increase the diameter without affecting my mapping, I was left with changing the mass and density (as I had suspected during the guessing done earlier). I noted the Max Density was 10.3 g/cm3 so had some limits to play with.Day Length: 24.6 hours (2.5 seems to be the lower limit for asteroids, 10 to 24 is typical, more for tidally locked bodies)
Mass: 0.107 relative to Earths
Density: 3.93 g/cm3
Minimum Density for terrestrial planet of this mass (Pure Water) = 1.8 g/cm3
Typical Density for terrestrial planet of this mass (Earth like) = 4.9 g/cm3
Maximum Density for terrestrial planet of this mass (Pure Iron) = 10.3 g/cm3
Diameter = 6780 km
Surface Area = 144.3 million square km
Roche Limit = 900 km (nearest possible natural satelite)
Surface Gravity = 0.38 Gs
To Orbit Velocity = 3.55 km per second
Thrust to orbit time at 3G = 2.3 minutes
Escape Velocity = 5 km per second
Geosynchronous orbital distance = 17020 km, or 10630 miles (from surface of planet)
Geosynchronous orbital velocity = 1.45 km/s , or 0.9 miles per second
After some fiddling around with Mass and density I settled for a lower surface gravity (0.83 Gs) than Earth with a 24hr Day length.
Here is the final result in the same format.
As you can see, a denser planet, but with a believable (kind of) gravity and planetary characteristics. Now I can put that to rest and return to my mappingDay Length: 24 hours (2.5 seems to be the lower limit for asteroids, 10 to 24 is typical, more for tidally locked bodies)
Mass: 0.2448 relative to Earths
Density: 9 g/cm3
Minimum Density for terrestrial planet of this mass (Pure Water) = 1.8 g/cm3
Typical Density for terrestrial planet of this mass (Earth like) = 4.9 g/cm3
Maximum Density for terrestrial planet of this mass (Pure Iron) = 10.3 g/cm3
Diameter = 6780 km
Surface Area = 144.3 million square km
Roche Limit = 900 km (nearest possible natural satelite)
Surface Gravity = 0.87 Gs
To Orbit Velocity = 5.38 km per second
Thrust to orbit time at 3G = 4.2 minutes
Escape Velocity = 7.6 km per second
Geosynchronous orbital distance = 23060 km, or 14410 miles (from surface of planet)
Geosynchronous orbital velocity = 1.92 km/s , or 1.2 miles per second
Comments and Critique welcome ...