I'm sorry for the long delay, but I had to get the channeling juices flowing with a good drunken state. The connection was crystal clear and this is the history I got from my sources. I might change the name of the project to the name given in my channeling. Anyway, here is the material I received from my source. I'm crediting the entity that is giving this material. I'm up to chapter 4 on this story. I hope it's interesting enough.

This is chapter 1
Zigoto Village
(Michiro Hutaki)
The village of Zigoto was built during the early centuries of the First Age. The Rokat and Vinori worked together during this time to build the village and establish the Heraldic School of Sorcery. The town was laid out in full at the time of its founding. The land was sold off rather quickly after a small village had formed around Fairy Hill. The Plaza was built with a park and shops. The rest of the town was used as farm land.
The Gunoshiva Trail reached Zigoto, which is the 28th town. Zigoto was going to be the last town until Puthade. The road ahead was only a path and that path was not always easy to follow. Beyond Zigoto was the wilderness of Kidasuna. The location of Puthade was only known as a set of coordinates and nothing more. Travelers would have to prepare for the 120 day march to Puthade across the grasslands. The forests tended to hug the river banks, so it was easy to spot the river and follow it to Puthade.
In the First Age Year 166, the harbor was built to allow boats to sail down the river in the spring when the water was at its highest. In another 150 years, the city had a deep channel harbor built to take advantage of the Puthade River’s deep cut course next to the village. Zigoto became the northern front line for several thousand years. Kidasuna was a tough planet and the people here had to learn how to stand at the head of the growing Rokat civilization.
The Gunoshiva Trail was turning into a defined road between the 28 villages and towns of Gunoshiva Prefecture. The rolling hills that Zigoto is beautiful backdrop were now cleared of forests. The town was built from the wood harvested there. The town was able to rest its construction frenzy and begin to lean towards its current steel industry. Over the first centuries of the town’s initial construction, it was slow to grow.
As the other towns remained small, Zigoto was always adding a house here and there. Shanibala was growing and was always sending people to fortify the frontier lands. The Gunoshiva Trail was now the Gunoshiva Road. It was dirt most of the way, but stretches of brick began to appear in well traveled stretches.
The Vinori began to move away from the town’s core, because of the urban feel and the immerging steel industry. The Rokat began to work iron in Zigoto. Industry was soon coming to Zigoto, because the region was high in mineral resources. The hills had iron. The soil had iron. The metal was everywhere; it just had to be refined. Zigoto was becoming a steel mining town.