Some good ideas.
Was unsure about entering this months challenge, here we go...
Threats: Kobold + Traps
Setting: Cave + Sewers, Stormreach, Eberron
Features: Small waterfall and stream which leads to another tunnel of the sewers and a treacherous back entrance
Plot: Irvhir kobolds have dug out a ruined temple under Stormreach and found a worn idol believing it to be a source of power from Khyber. Recently, they have plagued the residence of the harbor and stealing away "cattle" for their necromancy. Little do they know the idol being unrecognizable being so worn is indeed a symbol of Siberys. The temple is in need of cleansing...
Just getting a basic shape down to see where I started.
### Latest WIP ###
Last edited by geamon; 05-11-2013 at 05:55 AM.
Cheers, Julien
Battlemaps, Town Maps, Tutorials.
All my maps and content are posted and published under this Creative Commons License.Click Here for information on licensing.
Some good ideas.
My Battlemaps Gallery
I really like how that grayscale/shadow/paper texture works together. Very clean and appealing.
Something I've learned on other projects is that being able to work in grey scale is part in parcel with drawing and shading with a tablet, a skill I'm still learning. This map is an exercise in the use of a tablet. BTW beer and drawing doesn't go hand in hand. Learned that last night....
P.S. Diamond if you want the texture used as a base I can draft up a quick tut on how to create it. It's just a mix of three different tillable textures with a few layer modes in GIMP. The fruits of me playing around trying to emulate the base texture for Coyotemax's "Campaign Map"
Last edited by geamon; 05-11-2013 at 06:34 PM.
Cheers, Julien
Battlemaps, Town Maps, Tutorials.
All my maps and content are posted and published under this Creative Commons License.Click Here for information on licensing.
Update 1: Things are coming along nice enough. Just gotta stop worrying about small details.
### Latest WIP ###
Cheers, Julien
Battlemaps, Town Maps, Tutorials.
All my maps and content are posted and published under this Creative Commons License.Click Here for information on licensing.
I added it to the Tutorial section Diamond. Click Here for link.
Cheers, Julien
Battlemaps, Town Maps, Tutorials.
All my maps and content are posted and published under this Creative Commons License.Click Here for information on licensing.
Update 2: Most of the heavy llifting is done. Populating the map and adding decor are next.
Cheers, Julien
Battlemaps, Town Maps, Tutorials.
All my maps and content are posted and published under this Creative Commons License.Click Here for information on licensing.
Update 3: My non-completed map!!! That's what I get for starting 3 days left on the comp...
### Latest WIP ###
Cheers, Julien
Battlemaps, Town Maps, Tutorials.
All my maps and content are posted and published under this Creative Commons License.Click Here for information on licensing.