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Thread: Almost done and hating it

  1. #1

    Default Almost done and hating it

    So I have really been playing with campaign cartographer 3 and i'm all most done. This is my very first map and I want as much feed back as I can get so then I can make the map better because I really have no idea what i'm doing. I'm sorry its not easier to see the settlements and stuff. I kind of like how this map is turning out but there is something about it I really hate. So any feed back good or bad will be much appreciated. Does anything just out at you? does anything seem just really awkward and out of place, does it look done on purpose or natural? just any feed back please.
    alsmost done.PNG
    Last edited by hamtheguy1; 06-21-2013 at 02:38 AM.

  2. #2
    Guild Novice Doublar's Avatar
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    Oct 2009
    The Pacific Ocean


    As someone not very familiar with CC3 I have to say that I can't distinguish a lot of the stuff going on (I'm guessing the settlements are the small gray blips?). But I think most of those'll be resolved once you label all the details. The geography doesn't seem too natural; the random clumps of mountains are a tad distracting, and ridges that follow the contours of the land would look a bit more smooth. Like ranges that go east-west might make more sense given the horizontal-ness of the landmasses (granted I'm no expert on geomorphology so I can't give too much scientifically sound advice). The different features don't fully flow together just yet, though I really like the diversity of environments, and there's a lot of creative potential here. Good job for a first map.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Doublar View Post
    As someone not very familiar with CC3 I have to say that I can't distinguish a lot of the stuff going on (I'm guessing the settlements are the small gray blips?). But I think most of those'll be resolved once you label all the details. The geography doesn't seem too natural; the random clumps of mountains are a tad distracting, and ridges that follow the contours of the land would look a bit more smooth. Like ranges that go east-west might make more sense given the horizontal-ness of the landmasses (granted I'm no expert on geomorphology so I can't give too much scientifically sound advice). The different features don't fully flow together just yet, though I really like the diversity of environments, and there's a lot of creative potential here. Good job for a first map.
    Thank you for your feed back

  4. #4


    I do not mean to be pushy or impatient but to the people viewing this post can I get more feed back. I'm I doing something wrong? are my questions too simple? because each post I make only gets 1 to 3 replies. 100 people may view my post and I will get two replies. I want a nice chunk of feed back so that I can make this map and any future maps awesome.

  5. #5
    Guild Novice Doublar's Avatar
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    Don't worry too much. I know how disappointing it is when people don't recognize your work as much as you'd hoped, but if your post doesn't get too many replies it doesn't mean you're doing something wrong. If anything, it'd be better to keep working on what you have now, and take whatever you can get. It's easier to critique the finished product than it is for an unmarked draft, and it's ok if your finished map has some mistakes because it's only your first. Keep at it and your maps will be awesome.

  6. #6


    I'm afraid I'm not very familiar with CC3 (which is probably the case with the majority of seasoned artists here), so I can't offer any insights on technique. Also, at this scale it isn't easy to make out much of the details, so I'm not sure what the colorful balloon like objects are in the eastern-most forest (a magical fairyland perhaps?). You also have an odd river in the southeast, just below the main bay, which ends in a desert (or something) and then begins again. Is there a story here? Does the river somehow flow underground and then reemerge?


  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by arsheesh View Post
    I'm afraid I'm not very familiar with CC3 (which is probably the case with the majority of seasoned artists here), so I can't offer any insights on technique. Also, at this scale it isn't easy to make out much of the details, so I'm not sure what the colorful balloon like objects are in the eastern-most forest (a magical fairyland perhaps?). You also have an odd river in the southeast, just below the main bay, which ends in a desert (or something) and then begins again. Is there a story here? Does the river somehow flow underground and then reemerge?

    Yea I see what you talking about but no they are two completely different rivers that river near the desert is flowing down into the ocean form that mountain range and that other river is flowing down hill as well from that mountain.

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