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Thread: Harenova -- Learning Cartography From Scratch! ADVENTURE! Come and Help!

  1. #21


    I like the third one over. Maybe look at some Arabic and go from there? I'm not sure what they are called. But there are like the dots/accents on some of the scripts I think. May add to the desert feel. Maybe look in to Sanskrit as well

  2. #22
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    I have a couple of suggestions:

    Black regular: Black Regular font
    Monotype corsiva regular: Monotype Corsiva Regular - desktop font - (not sure if it's free, but I have it on my computer)
    Lucida calligraphy : Identifont - Lucida Calligraphy (not sure if it's free, but I have it on my computer)
    Matura MT: Font Matura MT Script Capitals - Fonts archive with more than 40 000+ fonts. Zephyr font, Gill sans, Bembo font, cyrillic font download, graffity fonts, fonts. (I think it come with windows)
    Pristina: Pristina font download free (truetype)

    I think Matura most represent what you are searchig for.

  3. #23
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter Lingon's Avatar
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    Dec 2012


    Very interesting thread, lots of cool ideas. I love the pink and yellow test map.

  4. #24


    @Failtality -- Thanks! That one felt the most natural to draw. Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to make anymore since I wanted to actually go outside of my home yesterday. -GASP- I love Arabic's simplicity and Sanskrit's... manuscript quality...? Especially that line through the characters. I've got a minor background of graphic design under my belt and readability is very important. I just need to find a happy medium.

    @Azelor -- Thanks for the suggestions. I'd really like to make my own font seeing as the majority of computer fonts are too... rigid... pristine... computerrrryyyy?? That or the more stylistic fonts are difficult to read "at a glance" or are very recognizable as Monotype Corsiva and Lucida. It's all about immersion with me, babyyyyyyyy~! But I'll definitely use some of those as starting points.

    @Lingon -- Thanks! I love puking vibrant colors all over my canvases.

  5. #25



    Been playing around in Photoshop some more. Nyeh. Nothing important.

  6. #26
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    Jul 2008


    What you did looks good.

    But photoshop ? For font, it's better to use a program that is vector based, like illustrator.

  7. #27


    It's easy to turn photoshop shapes into vectors. It's all a matter of preference... and these are initial sketches anyway.

    I'm leaning toward doing most of the script by hand anyway. Computer vectors feel too rigid for what I want.
    Last edited by Vagabondage; 07-31-2013 at 10:36 PM.

  8. #28
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    Jul 2008


    You can draw in illustrator too. If you set the pen parameters they can march your lines perfectly or less. And then you can modify them with the feather.

    Do you use a tablet to draw?

  9. #29


    Yes. I'm also more accustomed to Photoshop.

  10. #30


    Vagabondage, you are amazingly talented. I think all your ideas for a script are really interesting, and while I think I've said this before, it is so obvious that a lot of thought goes into what you do. Looking at what you've drawn, I am more inclined to favor a "squarer" script from what I know of your world already.


    I wanted to try my hand at something, I hope you don't mind. Its very crude, but it was fun to do!

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