I don´t know if I am speaking foolishness or not, and I know that I am still a newie in the forum (and surely someother people had proposed this idea before) but maybe it could be a good idea to compose a general price table between all the cartographer members of this guild.

I know that the artist's rates of eachone are a very sensitive matter, but I think it could be a positive fact for everyone using this forum. After that either one is free to increase (or decrease) the proposed rates.

In the time I wandered this great guild I had found that the vast plurarity of people that use the Mapmaking Request section of the forum say "I don´t know the rates of the market" or "I am not acquainted with cartography rates" and usually thinks that create a map is worth of $50-$60... This could be true in some cases but not always or it is not true when someone's asking for a A0 realistic color map, do you know what I mean?

Well, I left this proposal to the forum... Feel free to complely ignore it if it is a sillyness (also if any admin thinks that it is not the apropiate place to talk about it he/she can move it without problem).
