I've spent a lot of time recently with lettering, for a commission and general practice... my natural handwriting is also incredibly atrocious (maybe we could combine ours and make a font ) so I figured it'd be a good way to improve it... hasn't really improved my handwriting because when I'm just writing I don't care enough, but my lettering is getting better. I started by lettering on a separate sheet of paper and scanning it to put into a digital commission, but pretty soon I'm going to have to get around to finishing a gift map for my brother and it is pen on paper and has a lot of very tiny labels spread all across it.

The label color does stand out on the forest, though you might run into problems elsewhere. The style is not so much 'flashy' as digital. You could probably nix the outer glow and it would show up just dandy on top of what's there, but then again... elsewhere. If you change the color to something not used in the map itself (you have some reds in the cartouche decorations, for example) it would work just as letters without needing extra stuff to make it legible. It's not bad as is (and I like the fact that you went lighter and not just black), it's just definitely digital with the glow around it. The title is nice and I do like that font very much Only suggestion I might offer there is maybe rasterizing the text when it's all finished and hit it with a touch of unsharp mask to bring it into focus with the inked artwork.